Chapter 11

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Clara's POV

I couldn't shake off the bad feeling I got from sitting in that room. Every moment of that day had been one giant bad feeling, but this was different. Knowing that that thing was still near me sent chills down my spine.

I'd seen a lot of aliens, but none like this. None of them looked so human- well, except for the doctor. If only he was there...

Don't be so dependent on him, Clara. I thought to myself. You don't actually need him to be able to get yourself out of situations like this.

The doctor had left me alone before, and this time was no different. I could figure this out.

I got off of the couch and walked up to the doorframe leading into the kitchen and knocked on the side.

"Dean," I started. "Would it be best if I left?"

He went wide eyed and shook his head.

"No, you're perfectly welcome here. I know we have some serious explaining to do, but I promise you that there is nothing wrong." He stood up from his chair and guided me in. He squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Everything will be fine."

Something about the way he spoke soothed my nerves for a moment. I looked straight into his eyes. They seemed a little faded and tired. It seemed like he had seen lots of things- bad things. They were a lot like the doctor's eyes seemed like. But unlike the doctor's eyes, Dean's had no more light or hope in them. They were tired, tired eyes.

We spent the next hour or so casually chatting about anything and everything. All was going well, until we heard a sound come from downstairs. It sounded something like a lot of crashing and bumping.

Following the crashing came some clunking; someone was coming up the stairs.

"Bobby?" Dean yelled. Bobby appeared at the top of the steps.

"I think we have a small problem." He mumbled.

Hi, guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated more than I have. I've been really busy and well, a bit lazy too 😂. But, hey, 400 reads (April 26, 2015)! That's amazing! I'm so happy that people actually like this (or so I hope?). So I'll try to update a bit more, and I'll make an effort to make the chapters a bit longer. They've been kind of short right now because I haven't gotten to any real plot... So be ready for some longer chapters and more action!

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