Chapter 8

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Dean's POV

I would have happily just spent the day with Clara, but Sam decided to ruin our little "moment."

"Ahem," Sam coughed. "Dean, we have to go do this job."

I rolled my eyes and lifted my head off of Clara's. We both stood up, and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Are you going to be okay?" Her eyes were still a little red, but she looked much happier.

She shrugged.

"I don't know what I'm going to do while you two are gone," she mumbled. "I don't exactly have a way to get around."

I released Clara and looked over at Sam. He impatiently tapped his wrist as an implication to hurry up.

"She could come," I suggested. "And just hang out in the car while we investigate."

Sam pursed his lips slightly. It took him a few moments, but he finally just rubbed his temples and sighed.


This was followed by yet another awkward car ride and an even more awkward stop at a gas station so Clara could use the restroom. It was just a very awkward day.

Once we were there, Clara suddenly realized what we were doing.

"You're about to go look at a crime scene, aren't you?"

Sam nodded and then stepped out of the car.

"How about you stay here," I whispered to Clara. "I don't think you'll like what you're going to see if you come with us."

Clara nodded slightly and clutched her purse a little tighter.

"Yeah, that's fine."

I took that as my chance to close the door and catch up with Sam. He was waiting for me at the police tape.

"Should I stay out of the motel for the night?" He rolls his eyes.

"No," I mumble. "She's already been having a terrible day and I don't want to drive her away by taking things too quickly. She seems like the kind of girl that wouldn't want that."

Sam nodded. He was also that kind of person sometimes.

A policeman walks up to the tape.

"Can I help you lads?"

Sam and I hold up the FBI badges.

"Yes, we're agents Harkness and Williams. We've come to see the murder scene."

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