Chapter 12

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500 reads already?!?! I clicked my story to write some stuff and suddenly I have 500 reads omg thanks you guys. (April 29, 2015)

Bobby's POV

*a few hours earlier*

"You better lose that smirk," I snarled. "What's so funny anyway?"

"Oh, I'm just thinking about how in a few hour's time, you'll be dead."

The words rolled off of her tongue as if they had no meaning. It seemed so simple the way she put it. A few hours, and boom. Dead.

I splashed holy water on her face.

"Stop smiling."

"Dead," She hissed.

I started to walk up the stairs and then realized she was too dangerous to leave alone. I walked back down.

"Ooh," she purred. "You're stuck with babysitting duty, aren't you?"

I glared at her. She could twist anything I would say. Instead of speaking, I splashed more holy water on her. It wouldn't exactly shut her up, but it was better than standing there in silence.

After screaming, she clenched her teeth together. We both knew that she had no power while sitting in that chair.

I pulled a chair over so it was sitting right outside the circle of the devil's trap and sat down. There was no reason to kill my legs just so the boys could sort everything out with Dean's girlfriend. If that's what they were considering her.

Clara seemed like such a nice girl, and it was a shame she had to be dragged into this mess. But at the same time, she took all of it so well. Last time I checked, normal people are supposed to be traumatized by people coming back from the dead and trying to strangle them, not mildly disturbed. She was a tough cookie, and I was pretty sure she must have seen a lot to be able to handle everything like she did.


Eventually I fell asleep sitting in that chair. The demon stayed quiet, mostly, and I was careless enough to slip into a little nap. I couldn't help myself... Being an older hunter is a tough living...

When I woke up, the girl was gone. I jerked awake only to hear loud clashing. It turns out she had put a bucket on my head and it fell to the floor when I moved.

There was a note taped to it that read: "I told you that I would get out. I should have killed you but I figured that you'll die of old age soon enough and I might as well let nature do its job." Great.

I ran up the stairs, gasping. Clara and the boys were sitting at the kitchen table staring at me.

"I think we have a small problem."

[A/N: Whoo the story is getting along. I'm really sorry I haven't been able to update more often. A lot has been going on recently and it's been hard to keep up with this. I'll still be writing this, but the updates aren't going to be quite as frequent from now on. I'm terribly sorry and I hope that you all will still continue to read this little story of mine :)]

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