Chapter 3

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Clara's POV

If I was expecting Dean to be something, it definitely wasn't an FBI agent. And even if it turned out he was one, I definitely didn't expect to be the one that he's questioning.

Also, I didn't quite understand why the boys stayed so calm when I told them that I saw the doctor's eyes flash black. I thought they were going to call me crazy, or at least something. But they didn't even bat an eye.

"Aren't you going to tell me I'm crazy or something?" Maybe they hadn't heard me...

"Because you think you saw your friend's eyes flash black?" Dean still seemed as calm as he could get. Maybe they just heard crazy stuff like that all of the time. I suppose they were used to the business of crazy.

"Well, yes." I stared at them. No response. We all sat in silence.

"That should be it." It was Sam who broke the silence.

They both stood up and walked back to their table in the corner of the restaurant.

"How strange!" I thought. I honestly shouldn't have found this strange, considering my life was currently revolving around aliens and time travel. But this seemed so weird. I have seen some pretty weird things, but I have never seen the doctor's eyes change colors (well, unless he was regenerating, but that was different). And I didn't think that any drugs could make someone's eyes go completely black.

I looked over at Dean and saw he was looking at me too. I giggled a little.

Dean turned to Sam and mumbled something, and Sam noticeably rolled his eyes.

I raised my eyebrows at Dean. He smirked and started walking back over.

"So, since your friend left you, would you, by any chance, be in need of a ride?" He said cooly.

"Well, in fact, I do. But it might be a bit of a drive."

"I'm used to it."

"Well then, Mr. FBI, one trip to England, please!"

Dean seemed surprised. "Well, that would be a bit of a drive."

"You could fly with her, if you're trying to be generous." Sam yelled from across the room.

Dean grew pale at that comment.

"Stop eavesdropping, Sammy!" He looked a bit frantic.

I could see Sam smiling wildly from across the room.

"That won't be necessary." I smiled at him. "But, what's wrong with planes?"

He glanced over at Sam and mouthed something, though his head was turned too far for me to see what it was.

When he turned back around I could see his eyes transition from a hard stare to softness. He had nice eyes...

"So how are you going to get home?" He was avoiding my question. I decided not to question any further.

I could feel my shoulders tense a little. Usually I could just depend on the doctor to bring me home. But that didn't seem to be the case.

"Well," I started. "I don't really know. I didn't bring any money with me." The doctor said he would pay for everything today, for a change. I don't know where he got the money, but I decided to try and trust him. That backfired a bit.

Dean seemed lost for words. I don't really know what I would have done if the situation were reversed, so I couldn't really blame him for being speechless.

"I," Dean started. "I could buy you a plane ticket."

I could feel my cheeks growing warm.

"Are you sure?" I didn't know what to say. "That would cost a lot of money. I don't want to have to owe you anything."

"You wouldn't owe me. Just a little kind act."

"That's not little. And I don't want someone I barely know to spend that much on me."

Dean looked over to Sam nervously.

"You could stay with us for a while."

I was about to object but no noise would come out.

"Just think about it. That way, we aren't spending money on you, since you're so concerned about that. You could stay until your friend comes back, or maybe some family could come get you."

"What," I stuttered. "What about Sam? Would he be okay with that?"

I couldn't get anything other than those two sentences to come out of my mouth. I was utterly shocked. I had just met Dean, and he was offering me a place to stay. In other circumstances, I would have immediately said no. But I actually did need somewhere to stay. And it didn't seem like the doctor was coming back anytime soon.

Dean smiled a little.

"I'm sure he will be."

I considered this for a moment then nodded.

"Then I'll just stay with you for a few days."

Dean's smile grew wider.

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