Chapter 10

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[A/N: 300 reads!!!!! (4/3/2015) Guys I'm literally crying, thank you all so much! 💖]

Dean's POV

This was honestly just a normal day for me and Sam, but it would probably end up being one of the worst days of Clara's life. Or not...

There was something about Clara that made me feel like this wasn't her first time seeing the supernatural. She just seemed weirdly calm about a person "rising from the dead" and holding a knife to her throat. She sat there so calmly, although I could tell that she was faking it. I had only known her for a few hours, but I already recognized the way her eyes darted around and her shoulders tensed when she was nervous. But she was very talented at hiding fear from her attacker.

The attacker was in fact a demon. Nothing we hadn't seen before.

"I don't think your boyfriend can save you now, Clara."

Boyfriend? Was she referring to me? Two large men were keeping me away from her, so I was almost certain that she was.

I saw Clara gasp. The demon had flashed her eyes black for a moment.

"Dean!" She squeaked. The woman pressed the knife closer to her neck. A bead of blood escaped the wound, and along with it came a tear from her eye. That was enough for me.

I kicked the guy on my right where the sun don't shine. His grip loosened as he screeched. I used it as my chance to escape. I thwacked the left guy's head with my own and then ran over to Clara.

I drew an angel blade from my pocket and held it up.

"Let her go."

Clara squirmed a little more. Tears were falling at a steady pace down her cheeks. I brought the blade closer to the demon.


She let go of Clara. Clara ran over to Sam and he grabbed her. He had already killed the two men that had been holding me. Poor Clara was sobbing as Sam embraced her.

"Well, you're just a little party pooper, now aren't you?" The demon cackled.

I wanted to kill this chick with all of my might, but Clara was watching me and I didn't want her to be under the impression I'm a murderer.

"Sam, take Clara back to the car."

Clara willingly followed Sam across the parking lot. I looked over at the demon.

"My name's Scarlett, by the way." She rolled her eyes as she spoke.

"Well, Scarlett, I'm not through with you." I grabbed her and lead her to the car. I would sit in the backseat with her, holding her hostage, as Sam drove and Clara sat in the passenger's seat.


We decided it would be best to go to Bobby's, considering we were relatively close to his place. We could easily take care of the demon, and Clara could have a chance to calm down a little.

Bobby was glad to see us, but a bit surprised we brought a girl with us. I quietly explained our situation once Clara was out of earshot. Once he knew what was going on, he took Scarlett to the basement and locked her up. Later we would use her to get information.

Sam walked into the kitchen and grabbed two beers. He handed one to me and sat at the table.

"What are we going to do now?" Sam took a swig of the drink.

A shrug was all I could come up with. I had no idea of what we could do. We had traumatized a girl that we had just met and had a demon to deal with. Clara needed a place to stay and we weren't doing a great job of providing one. There wasn't much to do.

We both sipped on our beers silently. Like I said, there wasn't much else to do.

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