Chapter 5

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[A/N: Guys, I reached 100 reads!! I'm so excited. I'm really glad that you guys like this. Thank you all so much. (3/11/2015)
-Maddy :)]

Clara's POV

Living with the boys didn't sound that bad at first, but watching them talk about it from across the room made me regret saying yes, a bit.

Just seeing Sam put his head in his palms made me feel like Dean was lying when he told me that everything would be okay with him.

And then, when they spoke so quietly, I was definitely getting the feeling I wasn't wanted.

When Dean walked back over to me, I was going to tell him it was okay if I couldn't stay and that it was probably better off that way anyway, but I was interrupted by him telling me to gather what I had and to get in their car. I was beyond surprised when he told me that.

"Are you sure?" I asked quietly. "Is it okay with Sam? I really don't want to be any trouble..."

"I'm very sure, Clara. I want, we want, you to stay with us. It'll only be a few days, anyway. You aren't causing any trouble."

Dean was adorable when he was frustrated like that. He seemed so determined to let me be his house guest, and I decided not to object. I could tell that my safety mattered to him, but I wasn't sure why. We had literally just met, and we already acted like we'd known each other for ages.

"Alright," I finally said. "But I don't exactly have any stuff to gather."

Dean broke into a huge grin.

"Okay. Come on, I'll show you which car is ours and then we can get driving."

We headed out to the parking lot, Sam following, and Dean pointed out his car.

It was a 1967 Black Chevy Impala.

"Nice wheels." I smirked.

Dean grinned from ear to ear.

"Glad you think so."

Sam scoffed and rolled his eyes. He walked towards the passenger's seat but Dean stopped him.

"No, little brother. Let the lady sit up front."

Sam seemed shocked. But then he sighed and opened the passenger's seat door for me. He gestured his arm to tell me to get in.

"Thanks." I blushed. I wasn't used to much attention, honestly. And when I did get it, I usually didn't act upon it.

I stepped in the car, hoping that I wasn't about to make a horrible mistake.

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