Chapter 3

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15th of April, 2020

I sit here in my bed, realizing it's the day the Government implemented a strict limitations to all citizens to go out. In simpler terms, lockdown. It's only just a few days since it was first implemented and I am already bored in life. Well, thanks to this lockdown, we seemed to be having a tight financial crutch, so the family usually packed up everything before this matter but today, our supplies of canned goods are starting to become emptyhanded.

"What are going to do, Jona? Can't we just see each other one way or another?", said Sister worried about the future. She got stuck in a friend's house when the lockdown happened, and all of her clothes seemed used up. I couldn't seem to not bother but somehow Father figured already about a new strategy.

It seemed obvious that they were going to fetch her but they needed a way to try without getting questioned because it's on lockdown so all communities are closed and have guards on them. But what else can we do anyway? Just wait and see?

Well, I seemed to have lost it that someone's about to escape like the one in prison. Because my sister is just about to do just that. My sister quietly left my friend's house and seemed to be nervous on what's about to happen. As she was near on the other side of the gate, a community officer halted her.  She was questioned at first but she was able to divert them with a "Mother is left alone and needed assistance" situation. They let her stay there for more questions but my father already arrived. Thanks to a concerned neighbour, the community officer seemed to not resist to answer her regards. Just as he left my sister, she packed up her stuff carefully, stuffed herself into the car and hid under the door. Thank goodness, they took the other way around because if they left in the same direction when they arrived, they could've been spotted. Well, the crisis is over, for now.

Meanwhile, I got the same traditional routines on the very days I've been accounted for. Yet, I seemed to had started to let go of myself because of what's happening. But what made me somehow regret this day is a friend's birthday. Not just any birthday, remember Regina? Yup, today is her birthday and I kept seeing pictures of her in Instagram shouting 'Sweet 16' all over the place. What I might've done is what I'll keep myself in mind. I took the liberty to try and greet her with a short yet meaningful Happy Birthday message. It worked, kinda.

As everyone else got a sweet reply after that, mine was too. But try to talk to her, I couldn't. It seemed that I stacked up the place with only my messages in there, filled with waves of Hi's and Hello's. What in the world is with her. I didn't do anything that would harm her. Or maybe, I did but she just won't say it because she was born that way. I'm not really sure as I started to worry myself more. I couldn't eat that night, I couldn't sleep properly, what am I doing? Just waiting for an old friend to start talking when I seemed to annoy her enough?

I decided to talk to Tim about it and he seemed to be understanding of the situation. He told me to lay off from Regina for a while. Speaking of Tim, Regina's friendship to him seemed elevated. They get to talk one another more than they ever could, they're like brother and sister, a role of which I'm trying to obtain with her but to no near qualified.

I sat down with a big amount of sigh. Nobody can seemed to approach as a friend, so I'll try to do the opposite, I guess. Tomorrow is another day to try.

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