Chapter 15

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6th of September, 2020

At these times of the day, there's supposed to be sunlight. But I guess it's just gonna be cloudy today. I forgot to mention out of all of the days since August, the Government issued another Community Quarantine status. I didn't want to focus out on this since the life here seemed normal with only few limitations.

Anyways, the day started out too normal. I get to cook this time after Sister prepared in the last 4 days. Moments after cooking breakfast, a message appeared on my phone. It's Macy, and she greeted me with this;

MACY: Good Morning, Rockstar!! Hope you're doing great today. Eat ur breakfast😄😁😁😆😘

Alright, that seems to be out of the ordinary. Of course, I replied but I ain't gonna tell you what I said. Let's just say, I said the same thing like a ditto. Of course, she left me for a while to do some stuff while I received a message from James, who's regarding with what he missed (he got absent yesterday). I told him in a list about certain things he missed during the day.

By lunchtime, Brother seemed to buy an 8-piece chicken bucket from Jollibee, a fine, nostalgic fast food restaurant. After everyone's asleep from the food, I got to my room to work with some school tasks. Some of which I have to work on via Learning Activity Sheets or Modules. In quite the modest timing of my finished tasks, A text from Emma appeared. She explained that are hang-out would be cancelled for the while thanks to her mom needing assistance.

Now, my schedule is abruptly cleared, I have no other things to do other than to sleep. As I left my laptop to rest, I went ahead and lay down on my bed. With a light headache, I tried to go to sleep. While trying to sleep, my phone somehow fell by the side of the bed.

Lazily picking it up, I saw a round object by the bed. Upon closer inspection, I realized it's one of my old cups. I wondered how it got there but it's best not to remember about it. I fell asleep within a few minutes thanks to opening a YouTube video and using that as my white noise.

I woke up at around 8 in the evening and I got an announcement from the school. The announcement garnered my attention as the school declared for no classes as it's a whole-day seminar for teachers. Usually, I write the entire letter here but today, I'm just super lazy to do stuff. Thanks to the amount of school work as well, my headache somehow got worse thanks to a bad timing of waking up.

Feeling like a fool, I went back to sleep and isolated my thoughts for a while to try and sleep again and my goodness, it worked.

7th of September, 2020

I woke up at around this time. Feeling ill for like a few moments. My headache seemed to worsen thanks to the previous day's temperature. Today's worse than ever so I step down from social media and slept again for a while. Mouth seemed dry at around 11a.m. while I drank my medicine. I slept again at around 2p.m., thinking only about getting well again soon.

Within this day, I didn't receive any messages from either James, Marcus, Emma, Regina, Macy, or even Tim. Not a single friend made a text today, which is for me, a good thing at the moment in order not for me to get distracted. The day seemed okay and ordinarily fine for me.

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