Chapter 5

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8th of July, 2020

Today's the day I get to be enrolled.

Somehow the moment is weird at first. The government issued to cut classes altogether. Then later on, a department changed their mind and actually continue the school year on a distant-learning basis. So now, parents and stakeholders are pouring out all of the money they have to provide the requirements needed like internet connections, gadgets and the like. We too had to pour out double because of this.

While all of this is happening, James decided to text me about what course should I go for. "I'll be going for STEM since they tackle engineering.", he told me while I wait for Father to prep all of the cash needed. "You should try doing too. It can help you better.". "I'll try.", I replied. "Also, thanks for the que, I'll keep that in mind.".

After the call, I was left alone in the living room. I began to ponder my decision, should I go for HUMSS or for STEM. I chose HUMSS first because of what I feel like. Learning more about the world and all that like societies and stuff. On the other hand, there is a larger possibilities of what I can achieve when I'm going for STEM. Of course, I went for HUMSS first since it sounded better for me. But I began to doubt that, indicating my own ideals of what would Mathematics be.

Now, the question had to be asked, 'Do I go for STEM instead of HUMSS?'. It seemed impossible that I can go for both. If I do go for both then I could've been dead on the first week alone. So, a final decision must be done.

In the car, I told Father what I think may be best for me. The reply is very long and seemed an indirect explanation but basically it goes, "I think you should go for STEM.". And so, it's been finalized, I should go for STEM instead. All of this went on while learning that Mother slips over a wet area in the kitchen back at home, all because she's not looking thanks to her phone. She's alright but she gotta need to be careful somehow.

I got enrolled, but thanks to my former decision, I'm still in HUMSS. I didn't want to mind about that for now, I have stuff to do.

Once more, I returned to the mall with Father. While roaming around, I saw a familiar figure by the distance. I didn't mind about it at first, but she seemed familiar. That curly hair, familiar freckled face, very bright coloured outfit, and bright sneakers. Is it Regina? While almost by the certain, she looked with her companion and started speaking. That voice, that familiar voice, IT IS HER. We're in the same mall without even talking about it.

But it was already late, she already passed by. Or maybe she did noticed me, because she did look back. I panicked for a bit but not allowing myself to lose my cool, I just looked back before tripping myself with my bad foot positioning. What an embarrassment.

The mall was quiet as well, only a number of people is what you can see on a Wednesday afternoon. While on a walk around, I saw a cute little shop that sells perfumes, body tonics, and a bunch of healthcare/beauty products. It's such a small shop but it had a very interesting line of fragrants (or flavors since they used fragrant foods).

I suddenly remembered one thing after passing through the little shop. When I was back at school, (before the events of the first chapter happened) there was a time when my club decided to find another room because the designated room was locked and the key was missing. The room we got is the last room which is the section where Regina is assigned to. I gotta admit, I did sat on her chair while the meeting goes on.

I decided to look into her belongings that is on top of her desk. A bottle fell, and it was a body tonic. I thought to myself, 'So that's why she smelled so sweet, she used this for her every day outing.'. In order for me to remember it, I sprayed it twice on my unused handkerchief without anyone catching me. By the end of the meeting, I left the seat with a note...

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