Chapter 13

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21st of August, 2020

Ahh yes, the first day off of school thanks to a holiday. Although, we have classes the next day, still I'm pretty happy whenever we reach a public holiday. Maybe, I might say the word 'holiday' a couple of times, who knows?

A holiday is a rest day for me. Which gives a perfect ample time to relax and to connect with some old friends. Regina seemed to text me thru Messenger again, giving regards to have a good vibe this day, and I to her. Tim messaged me today, and it's about a request for a Mass Attendance for a Sunday, in which in return I gave him a link for an upcoming Sunday Gospel and Reflections. Afterwards, Marcus as well asked for the same thing, along with Andrew and James. Hoof, this day keeps getting better and better.

It was a nice afternoon, the ambience of the house changed when Father, Mother and Sister decided to go to a meetup place for an another batch of bag sacks in the other city, leaving me alone in the house. Brother is away that time to go to his girlfriend's house.

Left without anything to do since the house is clean, Baby Sister is asleep, and with my laptop charging, I went instead to the balcony and call up Regina. Regina, at that time, was busy because of the amount of work left for them yesterday. I instead called Tim, but unfortunately he is inactive for about 4 hours. I went for James, but he too was inactive as well since yesterday.

So, all I have left is Emma, which is also inactive, but I did message her anyway. Turns out, she quickly replied with that and began the conversation. Their house is under renovation at that time, so it made sense that she relocated her studying area to her sister's room. We then talked about what could've happened if the prom did continued. I jokingly said that we would probably be seperated by dancing time, going to our friends instead. Her response was that she'll be instead on the balcony with a friend while evading from the rave. She then asked about how her ball is doing in my possession. I told her that it is doing okay by around this time. I told her as well some stories while playing with it.

After the conversation, I went ahead and finished some due-tomorrow school works. It was still a quiet afternoon, and nobody's arriving in the house yet. I finished nearly all of my works when the family phone rang. I picked it up and learned about a package downstairs. Thank goodness that the package doesn't have any payments because I don't have any money higher than P200.

I picked up the package and passed by the Purpose Hall to check out the family bikes. After a quick routine of the tire inflating, and brake testing, I saw a round shaped object by the pump pipes, covered with some old plastic coverings. I checked in to investigate and it turns out, it's just a large purple balloon. It must be belonging to a kid who lost it upon playing here.

While on my way to the stairs, I spotted a sort-of garage sale (I'd rather call it a 'unit sale') by the first floor. From the small sale has a unique collection of branded clothes, assorted shoes, and even some old gizmos and gadgets. What caught my eye is a book named Wicked.

I asked for how much and it only costed P100 for all books. I quickly about what the book is about and they seemed to determine me to read the book because it's really good. I believed their claim and purchased it. They even wrapped it in a nice brown paper, how thoughtful.

Overall, the day seemed okay for me. Despite still having a lot of school work to do, maybe having a read would somehow make me balance my school and my personal time.

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