Chapter 17

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2nd of November, 2020

It's been a while since I last wrote on the notebook. The effects of having to finish majority of the performance tasks needed really triggered my own senses of having to be dumbo after everything that's been done. I decided to talk to Emma about a certain question about colleges or universities she applied to. She gave me advice to create a sort-of feeling positive on the pressure of having to enter the universities with the tests and all that requirements needed. Other than that, that's all.

Meanwhile in my off time schedule, Macy suddenly appeared in my messages, feeling under the weather since today's All Souls' Day. A quick laughter using memes got her spark back to a good vibe. I couldn't say how many memes did I use on that day but I'll say it's around 40 or 50.

It took me a while to need some help plan on errands for the upcoming Foundation Day celebrations but what the actual hell can I do in there since it's too lazy to join into any contests posted in there so far. There may be an art contest, singing contest and even a TikTok contest? Seriously? Do you have any sponsorship to even back this up? Buuuuut on second thoughts, why not? This is the school after all, amayrayt?

Come to think of it, I haven't gotten to talk to my boys, which I've been since I first arrived in this school back in Kinder. Whatever they may be up to, I was thinking of a get together virtually but Mother had unexpected plans for her bag business so I had to cancel the get together last minute.

3rd of November, 2020

It wasn't a proper day to get started again with school by the next day since I got assigned into home chores once more. After an eventful day the day before, it was quite the punch to feel burnt out to work today. Thank goodness, I was looking forward into actually making two chores only since the house is already clean despite my burnt out condition.

By the afternoon, I decided to go ahead with the cancelled virtual meeting the day before and surprised to find out that my friends are actually active. One of them started to ask about Math assignments (as usual, as always), another goes for memes. I went along with the talk and spent the afternoon with them. I know what you're thinking, 'Dude, this is just a normal talk with friends, what seems to be so interesting about?'. Aaaaand you may be right cause it's basically a talk with them, what's so interesting about it?

My father decided to let me come into one of his misadventures and got into the elevated highway. In one of those places, I took a photo (of which you can see above) on our way to a much busier city in order to get some supplies. I've been quite the rule-breaker all this time but it can be worth it for a while. Besides, who wants to stay in a house, quarantined for a long, long time? Not me.

It was a relief to find out that I wasn't asked about my age that much, I could've said, 'I'm about 20 or 21' but I kept going for '19, sir/ma'am'. So much for a giant age lie that can harness the reality of my illegal misadventures. One such guard just let me through, he went like those 'what the hell whether you're 18 or not, just get in' sorta guards and I kinda like that.

Going inside a mall outside my city is a huge difference to how I view my perspective in city life. The ambience is calming, there's not much people, there's so many stores, elevators galore... and I can't find a single restroom. I really need to let it all out or else I might hit the stage of leaking my own clothing. So, the holding went on, my bladder is already begging for mercy to let it all out. As once we found a restroom, it was a huge, huge relief for me, my father, and my hurting bladder (Don't worry, this is just once).

So, how do I summarize my semestral break so far? It's short but it's not that all jam-packed with activities. Besides, many teachers can still give away assignments as much as they want to. It's their thing anyways.

*Sorry that this chapter took a while to be released, my hectic schedule is to blame for this...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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