Chapter 7

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19th of July, 2020

This day had a series of events that somehow changed everything.

First, Mother seemed to find her way out of our financial crutches by buying seven sacks of imported bags. She seemed determined into starting a buy and sell business with the house as its' shop. Funny thing was that since there were no men to carry the bags all the way to the 4th floor unit (Yes, I live in a condominium), Father, Brother, and I did the carrying ourselves. By the end of the last bag, I feel weakened by my back. I can't make myself stand for too long and decided to sit down, as much as I had tried to work around it but to no use.

Secondly, I was able to contact my adviser last 5 days ago and received word today that the strand transferring process would finally begin. I'm not sure how used am I to actually feel excited and nervous at the same time, but maybe because it's my first time trying to transfer sections. I had never transferred to a section or strand voluntarily before. Not even when I first started. We'll talk about that more later.

Thirdly, James, along with my other friends, Marcus and Tim, decided to video chat as what friends do. And let me tell you honestly on how disappointing my call was with them. Actually, all of us got annoyed. Marcus seemed the first one to go thanks to household chores when in actuality, he texted me, indicating that Tim was a bit annoying.

While I wait for my cue, Tim was a bit too talkative to James that I couldn't seem to find a loophole to fit in to Tim's conversation. When I do manage, he'll try to shift the conversation back to what he wanted to talk about, leaving me by the sideline. Well, I tried blending in with the conversation with what I know to the topic. And for some reason, Tim muted me. What the hell was that?

I didn't expect this but Tim, my high school best friend, muted me? I'm sorry, is this even a way to treat your friends right? Oh, wait a minute, maybe Regina was right. Maybe I'm too insensitive when it comes to talking to people. Out of all the things that popped out to what went wrong, that seemed to go by the top of the list. I simply texted James that I'm going to leave the call, making an excuse that my mother is going to need physical assistance into sorting the bags. He seemed to find my excuse well, but also apologized for what Tim had done. I guess it's time to tread lightly then, ey?

Anywho, we come to the last event that happened to me today. Remember the strand transfer? Yeap. I was instructed to create a letter that indicates my interest to change from HUMSS to STEM. I submitted a bit too late by 5:30p.m. (which is the school curfew time, and the time which employees started to call it a day).

These events attempted to bother me one way or another. My inner demons kept interfering with how the day went. From my back problem to the strand transfer, everything on what has been done is a failure, and all I can hear is everyone telling me that I'm such a disappointment. But thankfully, Sister came into the room and saw how I feel. She was able to comfort me with the use of a cold glass of Coke and cold water by the side.

The day overall was somehow surprising, confusing, and disappointing. With all of these events happening at once, I seemed to fail to catch up to some on time. Much of them was most likely late or something like that. But I'm not gonna let this affect me. Not even with the slightest chance...

...or is it?

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