Chapter 9

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∾ Cleansing the Tainted ∾

- Chapter 9-

Warnings for this chapter: Cursing

⊱⊰ Bendy's Pov⊱⊰

I yawned, stretching out on the bed. My weapon of choice was leaning against the wall near by bed. So far, the foundation had only made one attempt to retrieve it, ending when I had repeatedly whacked the guards on the head. Sure it was only a broomstick, but those bristles hurt if you whip it fast enough. I had decorated only a third of the room. I had run out of paint, but I used what I could to make it look nice. I wish I grabbed more paint... Preferably different colors too.. The green is nice but if I had some blue or yellow... The door opened, and I slid my gaze over to regard the scientist standing in the door. My tail curled around the broom handle, warning him of the consequences if he went to take it.

The man only shook his head and sighed, before walking in. There were no guards this time, which was surprising. He shuffled closer, glancing to the bed then to me. I sat up, patting the side next to me, opposite of the broom. He took the invitation to sit, plopping on the bed with a small exhale. "So. Where did you even get this stuff." I knew he was talking about the broomstick, paint and brush. I grinned, "̷S̷o̸m̴e̸ ̷m̸y̵s̶t̷e̵r̷i̸e̶s̵ ̵m̴a̵y̷ ̶n̷e̸v̸e̶r̴ ̶b̴e̶ ̵s̷o̴l̷v̸e̸d̸.̶"̶. The scientist frowned at me. "Stop being so cryptic." I cackled, "̵B̵u̷t̶ ̸w̶h̸e̶r̶e̷'̷s̴ ̶t̵h̴e̵ ̷f̵u̶n̶ ̵i̶n̴ ̷t̶h̸a̷t̸?̸"̶. "Its not supposed to be fun, we need information." It was my turn to frown, "̶I̷'̴m̷ ̴s̷t̴u̵c̷k̶ ̷i̸n̵ ̵a̶ ̷b̶o̸x̵ ̴w̸i̷t̷h̴ ̶n̷o̵t̷h̶i̷n̸g̶ ̵t̴o̴ ̸d̴o̶.̶ ̴A̷t̷ ̷t̶h̶i̸s̸ ̶p̷o̵i̷n̴t̴ ̷I̸'̸m̶ ̵g̷r̵a̵s̷p̵i̷n̴g̷ ̷a̵t̴ ̵s̵t̶r̸a̴w̶s̸.̷"̶ The man tilted his head to regard me, before shaking his head in defeat. He knew I had a point. You could only do nothing for so long before it would drive you up a wall.

I grumbled as I back flopped down on the bed. The doctor stared at me, before prodding me in the chest with one of his fingers. I snorted, before rolling off the bed. The broom clattered to the floor, while the doctor stood up. "We have a surprise for you." I pushed myself up. "̴I̴s̴ ̸i̴t̵ ̴a̶ ̴s̷u̸r̴p̷r̸i̸s̵e̴ ̴t̸h̵a̷t̴ ̷I̴'̵l̷l̴ ̶l̶i̴k̸e̶ ̴o̴r̴ ̴a̸m̸ ̴I̸ ̶b̶e̶t̵t̸e̴r̶ ̵o̸f̸f̸ ̵r̴u̶n̸n̵i̷n̶g̴ ̷f̴o̵r̸ ̸t̷h̴e̵ ̶h̸i̶l̵l̷s̶?̸"̸ The man let out a dry chuckle. "Depends." I stood up, dusting myself off. "̸I̶ ̵a̶m̵ ̸n̷o̶t̷ ̶r̶e̷a̴s̶s̵u̶r̵e̴d̸ ̴b̴y̶ ̸t̶h̷a̴t̴." Saltzer grabbed my forearm, and began leading me out. I had mixed feelings about this 'surprise', but I was getting out of my room so I just went along with it. People paused in the hallways to stare at us, before shaking it off and continuing on with what looked like important things. I somehow figured not everybody knew what Saltzer was up to. I didn't exclude myself from this category. 

I was dragged down a new route, before I was shoved into a room. I grumbled, but instantly quieted down when I saw that there were multiple large, slightly armored men I didn't know inside. I tried to do a 180 out of there, only to be stopped when the door shut. One of the larger men chuckled, before he walked forward and plucked me off the floor. I hissed and tried to claw him, but my wrists were grabbed and bound with a ziptie. I was carried over to a large basin, while I squirmed and resisted the entire way. I did not like where this was going.

⊱⊰ Saltzer's Pov⊱⊰

I watched as Bendy was carried, hissing and screeching to the bathtub. He probably didn't know what was going on, but the racket he was managing to make was exceptional. The man holding had enough, and dunked the Scp in the tub. The shrieks were instantly stopped. I chuckled, stepping forward to hand the man a bottle of shampoo. He grumbled a thanks before dousing a generous amount onto the re-submerged Scp. Bendy didn't like this, as shown by the hissing and cursing. Quite a lot of cursing. I walked forward, dipping my finger in the soapy water. It was rather chilly, and I took it upon myself to drain the tub a bit and add warmer water. Maybe that would get him to stop complaining. Bendy had calmed down with his flailing, but I had to wonder if there was more water out of the tub then in. 

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