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Colonial Redmond Andrews walked through the hallways of his home heading to the ground floor were his beautiful wife busied herself with a pot of coffee. The smell of fresh coffee always put him in a great mood. Whistling a happy tune,He turned the corner leading to the staircase. He stopped to stare at the frame that hanged up the wall. It was an old photo of him and his wife and two sons. The photo had been taken a few years prior when he had taken them to celebrate his promotion. He smiled fondly and soldiered on.

He came to a halt in the kitchen where instead of his beautiful wife a hooded figure stirred in his favorite mug cup. Instincts demanded he turn and get his gun that was to his dismay upstairs in the bedside drawer. His heart however demanded he seek his wife out and see if she was okay and out of harms way.

"Who are you? " he demanded rudely. Much to the amusement of his guest,who didn't even bother raising his head towards him. Rather choosing to lift the coffee to his lips instead.

The furious colonial however in agitation went to pull the land phone hanging by the wall. He pressed it to his ear as he went to punch in 911. On the second ring however a beautiful and shiny blade found itself imbedded in his right hand. The colonial cursed and dropped the phone and attempted running for his life. He might not have been in his prime but he was still a serving colonial in the army.

Just when he was about to climb the first step, a bullet pierced through his pajama pants knocking the very air out of him.

"Whatever there offering you I will double it, just please... " He tried to buy his way of his predicament. The gunman moved over him, finally allowing his identity be known as he started down at the prideful and arrogant colonial.

When Andrews finally came face to face with his attacker his eyes widened and he panicked. He knew his time had come. He had screwed up and was paying the price heavily.

"...Is she dead? " he asked instead quietly.

"Did she have anything to do with you wanting to kill me? "

Andrews merely shook his head in denial.

"Then no. Your wife isn't dead. And I'm not going kill her. My buddy has her occupied outside as we speak."

"...Wasn't anything personal Devlin..."

"Neither is this."

Andrews laid in a pool of his own blood while Alvin finished the rest of his coffee.

Told you I would kill you ,you old goat. He thought as he sighed walking back to the kitchen to wash off the mug.


"So tomorrow is your birthday,what do you want for your big day? " Alexander,Alvin's older brother asked his name sake AJ as everyone sat in the dinning room one night.

Everyone smiled encouragingly at the soon to be seven year old boy. It had been a little over a year since he got adopted. Alvin and Valentino had ordered a search for any remaining family members but nothing had come up. It was like the boy just magically appeared. Despite his linage being Canadian nothing much popped up from the search. Alvin and Valentino had taken him back to his roots, the place had looked abandoned. A huge but destroyed mansion had welcomed them and A few houses littered the area. Generally it was in the middle of nowhere. AJ had begged they buy the land,and Alvin couldn't say no to his boy and given it to him. He was a strange and reserved boy. Despite trying to include him in things he always seemed off-putting. Acted way too mature for his age. He could be confrontational and downright violent but his heart was in the right place. He was close to his siblings and way too protective of them. Especially with Dante. If the little boy so much as cried AJ would be there calming him down and glaring or growling at the culprit causing him pain.

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