8. The Blood Bond

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Warning: This chapter includes EXPLICIT sexual content, mature language, and a lot of blood. Read at your own risk!

Wen Kexing sat up, his lips never leaving A-Xu's, his hands all over his face, his neck, his shoulders... the kiss turned rough, possessive, messy, the deeper his tongue sank into A-Xu's mouth, the messier the kiss became.

And A-Xu enjoyed it, he gave Wen Kexing full control over the kiss, over him. He relaxed back onto the bed and Wen Kexing broke out of the kiss, he pulled away looking at A-Xu with red eyes burning with desire. "A-Xu..." His voice was deep, sexy, seductive. "I don't want to hurt you..."

Wen Kexing was a vampire but Zhou Zishu was a little devil, he lifted his knee, slowly gliding it against Wen Kexing's crotch. "Depends on how you hurt me..." He blinked at him with demanding eyes.

Wen Kexing's fangs emerged uncontrollably, their shiny surface reflecting A-Xu's lustful gaze, "A-Xu..." He pushed A-Xu back, restraining his arms above his head with one hand, his other hand folded around his neck, his knee rested in between his legs, "I want you..."

Zhou Zishu didn't move, his whole body didn't belong to him anymore. He had always believed that intimacy should happen between two people when there's love, and when this love is forever. However, he just met this extraordinary person, he didn't know whether it's love or not, and he had no idea if they will have a forever, but he wanted the absolute zenith of intimacy...

"Lao Wen." Zhou Zishu's voice vibrated against Wen Kexing's hand, "do whatever you want to me."

Wen Kexing's grip tightened around his throat, "A-Xu... I can't be gentle..."

"I never wanted gentle."

"You will get hurt." Wen Kexing gazed at Zhou Zishu's needy expression, red eyes never leaving his black one's, his body completely motionless except his fingers that tightened gradually around his neck.

Zhou Zishu grinned mischievously, the darkness of his eyes barely concealing the overflowing lust. He tilted his head backwards giving Wen Kexing more control over his neck, sliding his body downwards, his crotch touched Wen Kexing's knee. "Lao Wen..."

"A-Xu..." Wen Kexing warned, "A-Xu..." He repeated, closing his eyes and bending his head backwards, his hand still around Zhou Zishu's neck, he exhaled to calm himself down.

But Zhou Zishu's bratty grin widened; and he spread his legs even wider. He licked his lips tauntingly and bit slightly on the lower one, "Lao Wen..." He parted his now glossy lips, "don't hold ba-"

His words were soon cut off as Wen Kexing pulled him by his neck, slamming their lips together; the contrast in temperature of their cold and warms lips shocking them slightly, their mouths opening again to welcome each other's tongues. Wen Kexing's fang scratched Zhou Zishu's lower lip and he winced at the minor injury but the kiss never halted; the cut on his lip bled slowly until Wen Kexing finally backed away and watched the blood dropping along Zhou Zishu's chin. "Blood..." He breathed.

Zhou Zishu lifted his hand and wiped his chin slowly, he looked at the blood on his fingers and glanced once more at Wen Kexing, "blood." He repeated.

Wen Kexing seized his hand and licked the blood off his fingers, "Delicious..." He leaned back in and licked the blood stream off his chin all the way up to its source, sucking roughly on the lower lip. "A-Xu... Would you like some of my blood?" He said in a low voice, his lips still brushing over A-Xu's swollen ones.

Zhou Zishu blinked twice to comprehend Wen Kexing's words, "What? Why?"

Wen Kexing caressed Zhou Zishu's neck, his hand traveling up onto his face, his thumb brushing over his still-bleeding lips, "Your blood, my blood, we will be one."

Nightcall [WenZhou]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora