16. Your Holy Blood

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Warning: This chapter includes explicit sexual content, mature language, and a lot of blood. Read at your own risk!

Part 2 of Nightcall

Wen Kexing did not resist him, he just stared at him sucking his blood and contemplated, "golden eyes..." He repeated, "vampire blood..." He analyzed, "an elite...?" He concluded.

Zhou Zishu kept sucking on Wen Kexing's wrist, completely unaware of his new over-obsessive bloodthirst. He stopped to take a rest and continued, "Hmm..." He hummed as he enjoyed the delicacy of Lao Wen's blood.

"A-Xu..." Wen Kexing couldn't believe that A-Xu actually survived the transformation, he didn't want to stop him, he rather enjoyed seeing him this way, yet he couldn't let him drink any longer or he'll be totally drained, "My dear A-Xu..." He called again, "don't drink me dry..."

Zhou Zishu's golden eyes looked up at Wen Kexing who was smiling down at him, he hesitated for a while then removed Wen Kexing's wrist from his mouth and retracted his baby fangs, "I can hear your eyelashes fluttering when you blink." Zhou Zishu said before he stood up, looking around, not at anything in particular, "I can hear the conversations downstairs..." He tilted his head back and glanced at the sky, "I can see the stars so clearly..." He laughed joyfully, "Lao Wen! It worked! I am vampire! I can be with you for eternity!"

Wen Kexing's heart bloomed at the familiar voice and the loving words, "I thought I lost you... I thought you were gone..." He started to laugh along with him, happily, blissfully. "I can't believe it worked... and you're an elite..." He hugged him tight, refusing to loosen or let go.

"Why? What happened?" Zhou Zishu was totally oblivious of the events that happened before he was revived. He suddenly came to realization, "why are we here?" He looked down at the broken flute, "is that your flute?" He glanced at his reflection on the glass wall, "my eyes..." he broke free of the hug and stepped closer, squinting at his own appearance, "why are my eyes golden and not red like you...?"

Wen Kexing approached him, both looking at their reflections, "A-Xu, you're an elite."

"What does this mean?"

"You possess powers that none of the other normal vampires have." Wen Kexing explained, "The only elite I know was my maker. I've never met anyone else..."

"Why so rare?" Zhou Zishu asked curiously, "and what happened when I was unconscious?" He purposely reconstructed his earlier question.

"It seems that vampire slayers turned vampires are the only elites." Wen Kexing ignored the second question and proceeded to elaborate the answer of the first, "it is very difficult to turn a vampire slayer, so elites are very rare. My maker was once a vampire slayer who rebelled against his sect after they massacred a whole group of innocent vampires." Wen Kexing exhaled, "But I don't know the rest of the story, he never told me..."

"How are elites different from ordinary vampires?"

"Elites can only feed on vampire blood." Wen Kexing rubbed his wrist where A-Xu's fangs pierced through a while ago, "human blood is useless to elites..."

"I have to feed on vampires?!" Zhou Zishu exclaimed, "which vampire would be willing?!"

"A-Xu..." Wen Kexing frowned at him, "I'm here!" He sulked.

"I can't just feed on you every time I feel hungry!"

"Why not?!" Wen Kexing pouted, "you can't find someone else! I disapprove..."

"Wen Kexing, you're just a big fat jar of vinegar."

"Guilty as charged..." He grinned. "My A-Xu... let me hold you longer..." He encircled his arms around him again and buried his head in the nape of his neck, breathing him in, "I thought I lost you..."

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