14. On Your Hands

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Note: The new character introduced in this chapter (Li Yang) does not exist in the original, it is my own creation since I didn't find a suitable character in the original to match his role.

Few months later

Zhou Zishu's 'turning' procedure was set for the next day and Wen Kexing was still hopelessly trying to change his mind yet all in vain. The other vampires talked him into it and deep down he knew that turning A-Xu would be the only solution to maintain a good and long-lasting relationship with him. They had been having endless fights and A-Xu would open the subject at any chance he got, and he even falsely threatened with a breakup, so Wen Kexing didn't have any other choice but to comply with his wish.

Although Zhou Zishu had finally managed to convince Wen Kexing to turn him after many fruitless attempts, he still understood how heavy this process weighed on Lao Wen's heart and he knew how much it worried him; but he, himself, wasn't afraid at all.

Wen Kexing had insisted to take him on dates to eat delicious food and urged him to go out in the sun-without him- as much as he could; he wanted him to have enough of his current normal life before the transformation.

Zhou Zishu held Wen Kexing's hand as he unlocked the door to his old house where he and Han Ying lived before. Han Ying hadn't changed the locks after Zhou Zishu left, but he had gotten a new roommate in the past months. This was Zhou Zishu's last visit to this house before he needed the special invitation, he wanted to fetch some things and say his goodbye's to daytime hangouts with Han Ying.

Zhou Zishu opened the door to meet Han Ying greeting him with a smile that dropped into a frown as soon as his eyes captured Wen Kexing.

"Zishu..." He glanced at Wen Kexing, "are you sure...?"

Zhou Zishu squeezed Wen Kexing's hand to calm any potential anger and stepped in, "It's fine Han Ying, tell him to come-"

"Wait." Wen Kexing pulled A-Xu back, "who lives here other than Han Ying?"

"Why?" Zhou Zishu asked, "Han Ying got a new roommate."

"Oh yes!" Han Ying exclaimed, "this is Li Yang. He is my new roommate."

A tall, handsome, tanned-skin young man appeared in the hallway; he had hazel eyes, long eyelashes, a bright smile and his body was built so perfectly that Zhou Zishu even stared for longer than he should. "Hello, Zishu," He smiled, "how have you been?"

Wen Kexing pulled A-Xu further backwards and stepped in front of him, still clutching on his hand, "it's you." He flashed his red eyes at him, the same guy who sent A-Xu shirtless pictures before, "so this is what you are." He said vaguely.

"Lao Wen!" Zhou Zishu scolded without knowing the main reason behind Wen Kexing's rudeness.

Li Yang smiled, his hazel eyes glowing, "I see now." He smirked, "I see why Han Ying doesn't trust you with him."

"Stay..." Wen Kexing was never warier than now, "...away."

"What's happening?" Han Ying asked, he looked at Zhou Zishu, "what's this?"

Zhou Zishu also shook his head, "I don't know..." he whispered and squeezed himself between the door frame and Wen Kexing's body to enter the house.

"Sorry, Li Yang, let me introduce you to..." He motioned to Wen Kexing, attempting to calm the situation, "Wen Kexing, he is-"

"A vampire." Li Yang blurted and Zhou Zishu's words sank back in his stomach.

"What?" Han Ying was confused.

"Nothing." Li Yang smiled, "I'm just joking!" he glanced at Wen Kexing who knew very well that it wasn't a joke.

"We should go." Wen Kexing suddenly spoke, "now." He said to A-Xu.

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