We find a random monk

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A figure emerged from the ruins of the ice. Sokka shouted, brandishing his spear at it. He was braver than me. I could only look at the glowing creature with my club hanging uselessly at my side like a clump of lead.

Then the light vanished, and I noticed the figure was nothing more than a kid, albeit a weird looking one. No hair and all those arrows. He stared at us for a second before collapsing. Katara managed to catch him before he hit the ground. Sokka poked him with his spear.

"Stop it!' she snapped, pushing the spear away.

The boy in her arms gave a faint groan and opened his eyes. He looked at Katara as if he was expecting her.

"Please come closer," he murmured.

Katara and me both moved closer. Katara gave me a glare and I backed up. Hey, I wanted to know what was up with this guy too.

"I need to ask you something," he said softly.

"Yes?" Katara said.

"Will you go penguin sledding with me?"

Me and Sokka share a glance.

"Uh, sure ... I-I guess." Katara stammered.

Grinning ear to ear, the boy moved to his feet in one quick, easy motion. "What's going on here?"

"You tell us!" Sokka demanded. "How did you get in the ice? And why aren't you frozen?"

The boy shrugged, swatting away Sokka's spear. "I don't know."

Suddenly we heard a noise, like a sealbird with a cold. The boy grinned again and scrambled up the ice ridge to.....

It was a giant, hairy yakcow. With six legs. And an arrow, just like the boy's with a lot less blue glow and a lot more brown fur.

"What is that thing?" Sokka asked

"This is Appa, my flying bison."

"Right," Sokka said. "And this Katara, my flying sister."

The hairy thing sneezed on him. Me and Katara both laughed.

"Don't worry, it'll wash out." The boy promised. "So do you guys live around here?"

"Don't answer that," Sokka said. "Did you see that crazy bolt of light?! He was probably trying to signal the Fire Navy!"

Katara snorted. "Oh yeah, I'm sure he's a spy for the Fire Navy. You can tell by that evil look in his eye. The paranoid one is my brother, Sokka. And this is Percy. You never told us your name."

"I'm A ... a-a-a-Achoo!"

He let out a sneeze that propelled him about twenty feet into the air and then landed as if nothing happened.

"You just sneezed," I gaped. "And flew like-"

"Ten feet!" Sokka shouted.

"You're an airbender!" Katara gasped

"Yup," the boy, Aang I guess, said.

Sokka shook his head. "Giant light beams, flying bison, airbenders, I think I got midnight sun madness. I'm going home to where stuff makes sense."

"How? Are you going to swim home?" I point out.

"If you guys are stuck, Appa and I can give you a lift."

"Yes!" Me and Katara cheered, as Sokka gave a moan.


The hairy yak cow came with a built-in seat, which was nice because I didn't really want to be grabbing onto the fur while we sped through the air. Sokka sat sulkily behind us.

"All right Appa," Aang said. "Yip yip."

The beast gave a growl, and with a flick of his tail, we're airborne.

For exactly three seconds, before he bellyflopped back into the water.

"Come on Appa," Aang pleaded. "Yip yip."

The thing ignored him completely and began to swim.

"Wow," Sokka's voice was laced with sarcasm. "That was truly amazing."

Katara glared at him, and I sat back with a sigh. It looked like I was going to spend my first night ever sleeping on a not-really-flyable bison.

Percy Jackson and that kid in the icebergUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum