I go on a field trip with Zuko (Leo)

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"Where is my uncle?"

Leo sighed. He was on the deck for once, getting some much needed sunshine. The last few days had been nothing but chaos of chasing the avatar and getting absolutely no where.

"I don't know," he told the prince, wishing he had done the smart thing and kept away from Zuko. Instead he was the closest person to yell at.

"I told him we had a deadline," the prince stormed. "You, go get him!"

"Gladly," Leo said, less then. "Where is he?"

"He's taking a bath in the hot springs. Approach with cation. He is uh...not wearing anything."


"Anything," Zuko confirmed. "On second thoughts, I'll got with you."

"Oooh-Kay." Leo sighed. A field trip with Zuko to find a naked Iroh. Just what he wanted.

The two of them went off into the forest, but when they reached the hot springs, they were abandoned.

"Looks like he left?" Leo suggested.

"No," Zuko strode over to the hot springs. They were empty of water and now filled with rocks. "He didn't take his clothes. And this," he gestured to the streams.

"An avalanche?" Leo suggested doubtfully.

"Rocks don't slide uphill," Zuko scoffed. "He was captured. By earthbenders."

Leo swallowed. He didn't like to think of it as possible. Iroh was a great firebender, his skill legendary. But he was getting along in the years. And there wasn't another explanation up coming.

"I must find him," Zuko said. "You go back to the ship."

"No way."


Leo stood his ground. "I'm sorry, but I'd like to accompany you, sir. Your highness. Whatever. Look, I don't have many people in my life who actually care for me and vice versa. Iroh is one of those few people. If he's trouble, I'm helping out."

He was sure the prince would respond with another outburst of fury, but instead he glared at Leo for a second and then said:


The two of them continued onward on a rhino. Leo hadn't ridden one before, and he was surprised at how uncomfortable it was. Zuko made it even more uncomfortable with the awkward silence.

"So.." Leo said, trying to break the ice. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Do I what?"

"Have a girlfriend? Had a girlfriend? I'm just wondering. Because I did. I mean, I still might actually. She writes me sometimes," Leo babbled. "She's amazing, really hot. Not in that she's a firebender but that she's...you know. Pretty. You might know her, she was friends with your sister, I think. Ty Lee?"

"Oh," the prince stammered. "Yeah. Ty Lee. I know her. You're her boyfriend?"

"I was, when we were kids. Then I got a new job here and well," Leo shrugged. "I had to leave, obviously."

"Yeah, Ty Lee has a lot of boyfriends," the prince said. "I mean...not like that. I'm sure you were...her favorite?"

"Yeah." Leo didn't know what else to say. Ty Lee had always been a flirt. Then again, so had he.

The silent was possibly even more awkward.

"So..." Leo said. "Do you like tea?"


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