I have a depressing tea party (Leo)

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Leo looked up in confusion at the girl pulling on his sleeve.

"What Ella?"

"Avatar," Ella chattered. "A light of blue, a warning. Reborn. Fire, air, water, earth. The earth kingdom. Capital Ba Sing Se. The girls of Ba Sing Se, a folk song."

Ella was another one of the crew's misfits. She was a genius but had a strange way of talking or relaying her thoughts. Zuko had brought her aboard because she had supposedly memorized some lost scrolls, but he couldn't have a conversation with her without losing his patience. And Ella was jittery. When Zuko or anyone else would yell she would completely freak out. Leo didn't know what the girl had been through before she ended up on the ship but it must have been bad.

"Yeah, Zuko thinks we found the Avatar, Ella."

"Prince Zuko, heir to the throne. Nephew of General Iroh, dragon of the west. Dragons, large winged reptiles. First firebenders, yes."

Leo smiled faintly, trying to decipher her words. The meaning became apparent at the sight of the figure in the doorway.

"Iroh!" Leo's faint smile quickly turned into a real one.

Iroh, who refused to be called by any of his titles, was easily Leo's favorite member of the royal family. Not that there was a whole lot of competition.

"It is late," he said. "Men need their sleep," he gave Ella a smile. "As do women."

Part of the reason Iroh was so great was that he treated Ella and Tyson with as much respect as he did everyone else. Most of the crew shunned them, though maybe not intentionally because they were so different.

"No sleep," Ella said. "Prince Zuko said no sleep until Avatar is found. Avatar Kyoshi, of the earth kingdom. Seven feet tall. Ella isn't seven feet tall."

Iroh frowned. "Prince Zuko said no sleep? That's ridiculous. I think it's fine if you get some rest, my lady."

Ella purred in delight at being called a lady. Her hands ran through her dust-colored hair, plucking and fidgeting.

"Ella sleep," she agreed. "Sleep, a haiku by master Xiu. Ella will sleep, yes."

Without another word, the girl turned and left the room.

"You should get your sleep as well," Iroh said.

"Nah, I don't think that's going to happen tonight."

Iroh nodded. "Anniversaries are always difficult. Grief weighs heavy on those days."

Again, he surprised Leo. He was the only one who he had told about his mother, mostly because Iroh had told him about his son first. Iroh had lost his son to the earth kingdom, but it was Iroh's battle campaign. Like Leo, he had gotten a loved one killed. He got it.

But he wasn't expecting Iroh to remember the exact date of his mother's death.

"I find a cup of tea can help warm the soul during bitter times," Iroh said. "Maybe you would like some?"

"That would be great," Leo said. Anyone else he would have pushed away with a smile and an insistence that he was fine, but Iroh was different.

Leo had never really been one for tea before he met Iroh, but the old guy was obsessed with the stuff, and he had gotten Leo into it too. He made the best stuff too. This time it was mint, Leo's favorite. The guy must have remembered that too. He really was amazing.

Neither of them talked. That was uncharacteristic of Leo, usually, he couldn't shut up. But he didn't really want to say anything. Iroh didn't pry. They just sat in silence, sipping tea and allowing themselves to think of the people they missed.

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