We take a ride. On a slide. It's terrifying. (Percy)

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"This is the Omashu delivery system," Aang explained. "Miles and miles of tubes and chutes. Earthbending brings the packages up, and gravity brings them down."

"Great," Sokka grumbled. "So they get their mail on time."

"Great?" Annabeth repeated disbelievingly. "Sokka, this is an architectural marvel! I've never seen a place so well designed. It's not just the chutes, it's the entire way the city is built. Not only does the mountain-like structure make it difficult to attack, but it creates both a successful drainage system and a way to collect rainwater. If you see those pipes over there-" she broke off suddenly, seeing us all staring at her. "What? I appreciate architecture."

"Annabeth's right," Aang said. "Omashu is a marvel. And me and my friend Bumi found a way to make it even better. You can ride the chutes. Come on."

Katara frowned. "Is that...safe?"

"Perfectly!" Aang insisted.

I smiled. "It sounds fun to me."

"It does sound pretty cool," Sokka said, stroking his chin.

"Well, why don't you boys do that while me and Annabeth go shopping for her things," she turned to Annabeth. "And maybe we can explore the city some more."

Annabeth's grey eyes shine with a fanatical delight. "That sounds awesome. I really want to check out those arches. And, Katara, do you think the entire city was made by earthbending? It would explain the smoothness of the stones?"

I decided to leave Katara at the mercy of Annabeth's glee and go ride some chutes


"I'm starting to rethink my life choices," I swallowed, looking at the steep slide ahead of me. Sitting in a stone box, squashed between Aang and Sokka, I was starting to have second thoughts.

"Don't worry," Aang said. "It'll be fun."

"I think that makes me worry more than ever."

Aang smiled, and tipped us forward, onto the slide of doom. I screamed like a little girl as we slid straight down, my stomach coming up to my mouth. Aang laughed like a maniac. Just when I thought things couldn't and shouldn't get any worse, a rack of spears appeared behind us. Sokka only just ducked in time.

"Aang!" I screamed.

"On it!"

He Airbended us right out of the chute, box and all, which really wasn't what I meant. We landed on a room, sped over a battalion of surprised looking soldiers, and crashed over another chute, spilling pumpkins everywhere. We hit another roof and then landed on another chute, only to slide down again.

"Do something," I yelled. "Use your airbending!"

"Yeah," he said. "Good idea! That'll make us go even faster."

"Noooooo!" I screamed as we went even faster.

We sped up, around, and finally down, right where another stone crate was being inspected. Me and Sokka clung to each other screaming, only to breathe a sigh of relief as the crate earthbended away. Unfortunately, another was lifted up in its place, which called for even more clinging and screaming. We smashed into the crate, knocking both it and us into the air.

For a second the three of us free fell, and then Aang managed to airbend us back into the cart, just in time for us to slam into a roof. We slide down it, smashed into someone's window, ruining his pot, and then smashed out the other window while Aang said: "Sorry!". Then we zoomed through another house, picked up a cat, lost the cat, and finished it all off by falling into a cabbage cart, crushing both the cart and the cabbages.

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