Sure, lets attack rhinos with fans. That'll work. (Percy)

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I couldn't believe my luck. Not only was the beautiful warrior spending time with me, but she was also teaching me how to fight. We talked beyond sparing sessions. I learned that her name was Annabeth and that she wasn't born on Kyoshi Island, but in another part of the earth kingdom—which she wouldn't say. She had traveled here in hopes of being a warrior when she was only seven. She wasn't really forthcoming on anything else. I told her about the water tribe and finding Aang.

I have to admit, I was so busy training and talking with Annabeth, I really didn't pay any attention to what the others were doing. As it turned out they were actually getting up to a lot of crazy stuff—Sokka was also getting trained by a warrior, the head one, Suki. But because he was originally a jerk about things he was forced to wear a dress, sorry uniform. Aang was flirting with half the village, which made Katara mad, which usually would have made me mad, but at this point, I had realized that I didn't love Katara after all.

Anyway, I wasn't there when Aang got attacked by the Unagi a second time, or when Katara saw the Fire Nation soldiers on their rhinos (yes, they had rhinos. Who knew?). It wasn't until little Koko, one of Aang's admirers, ran up to me and Annabeth screaming about it that I realized what had happened.

"Looks like you finally get your battle," I said.

Annabeth licked her lips. "Looks like it."

We ran to our places, ducking behind doorways. It was him again, the scarred teenager. Zuko, I had heard his name was. This time he had rhinos, hurrah.

"Come out, avatar!" He called. "You can't hide from me forever."

I was glad to see he had been brushing up his evil villain speak since the last time we met. I was less glad to see he had persisted in following us.

He and the other four rhinos rode through the abandoned village. There was silent, tense moment, and then a flurry of movement as three Kyoshi Warriors jumped out at them from the roofs. Three of the seven riders were knocked off, another warrior struck out at a fourth. With a shout, me and Annabeth left our doorway and joined the fray.

I ran toward one of the men with my fans at the ready. He blasted fire at me, but I was ready for that. Use your enemy's strength against you, Annabeth had said. I ducked at the last possible moment, going low and tripping him. Before he could get up, Annabeth stuck her folded up fan at his windpipe. Another jet of fire came, signing my arm. Annabeth spun in an easy circle and moved upward, catching his exposed neck. He staggered, but still managed to blast fire at her. Instead of moving out of the way she grabbed his arm and pushed it toward him. His own blast hit him in the stomach.

"Move in!" Someone shouted, and we both ran back into a house.

"Are you okay?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah," I replied. The burn was big and red but didn't look too dangerous. "I'm fine."

"Nice try, Avatar! But these little girls can't save you." Zuko shouted.

I could almost see Annabeth's face darken with anger underneath her makeup, but I pulled her back.

"Don't," I hissed. "This is Aang's fight."

"Over here," Aang called.

"Finally," Zuko snarled.

I watched Aang fight but noticed the expression on his face as he caught sight of the burning houses.

"We're leaving," I realized. I looked at Annabeth. The thought of leaving her made me feel strange. "Guess this is goodbye."

"No," those grey eyes of hers were shining with determination. "I'm going with you."


"All my life wanted to become something, to do something to help end the war. Percy, this is my only chance. I will help the avatar to the North Pole. It's my destiny. I know it. Besides," and some of the intensity left her. "It's time someone intelligent joins your little party."

"What about the Kyoshi warriors?"

Annabeth looked grim.

"They'll understand," she said quietly. "I'm sorry I can't say goodbye to them, but we don't have a choice."

Maybe I should argue, but I couldn't bring myself to say no. I nodded.

"Come on, Percy!" Katara shouted.

Not far away, Appa had landed. Me and Annabeth raced across the street to him.

"Who's she?" Katara asked, looking surprised.

"Tell you later," I gasped.

"Annabeth," she stuck out her hand. "Kyoshi Warrior and newest member of our team."

"Whatever," Sokka said. "Appa? Yip-yip."

We rose into the air. Beneath us we got a great view of the village, now burning. Even the statue of Kyoshi, newly painted in Aang's honor, was on fire. Annabeth looked at her home sadly. This was not how she wanted to leave it, I knew.

"I know it's hard, but you did the right thing," Katara was saying. "Zuko would have destroyed the whole place if we had stayed. They're going to be okay."

I wasn't sure who she was talking to; Annabeth who was leaving her only home in flames to help us, or Aang, who felt like he was abandoning the people who needed him most. But it was Aang who reacted. Without any warning, he leaped off Appa, into the water below.

We watched as the water bubbled and boiled. Out of it rose the same black scaled sea serpent who had attacked us when we first reach the island—the Unagi. And Aang was riding it.

On top of his head, grabbing the monster's whiskers, he steered it over to the village. We watched in amazement as the creature let out a spout of water, drenching the villains and putting out the flames. The townspeople cheered while Zuko looked furious.

Aang flew back up on Appa, giving Katara a guilty look.

"I know, I know. That was stupid and dangerous."

Katara smiled. "Yes, it was."

They hugged, and I couldn't find myself feeling anything but happy for them. I had someone close by me too, and that was enough.

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