Mind if I capture you? Sorry for the inconvenience. (Leo)

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Leo jerked awake. Ella was shaking him, chattering nonsensically.

"Southern water tribe. Many, many moons ago the lights lit up the nights. A lullaby. Stars. The leopard-lion, yes. The avatar. Roku was from the fire nation, yes, yes. So loud, Ella scared." She shuddered and placed her hands over her ears.

"What?" Leo stammered groggily.

"Wake up," Tyson said, "Prince Zuko has captured the Avatar."

"That was...fast," Leo sat up. After last night's depressing sleeplessness he had been drifting off all day. "Are you sure it's the Avatar? He didn't find some poor old geezer who thought he was the Avatar?"

"Avatars, water, earth, fire, air. Air nomad. Burning, burning, always burning." Ella babbled.

Leo frowned. Was it just him or did she seem worst today? She was rocking back and forth, her hands over her ears.

"Ella scared," Tyson said. "Noise is bad."

Oh. That made sense. The noise—they were breaking through the ice. Ella must hate that. Certain noises always set her off.

"Here," Leo got up and went to his work table, opening one of the drawers and digging around. "Here. Put this over your ears Ella, and you won't be able to hear it anymore."

Ella snatched the earmuffs he had made her and placed them on her head. She seemed to calm down a bit after that. She was still rocking, but Ella often did that.

"So his majesty has found the Avatar, huh?" Leo said to Tyson.

At that moment, the Avatar ran into the room.


At least Leo assumed it was the Avatar. He definitely wasn't part of the crew, but he wasn't an old geezer either. He was a kid, with a bald head and arrow tattoos. At first, he didn't seem to see the three of them, as he bolted the door and locked himself in. Then he turned around and took them all in. A skinny kid covered in grease, a terrifying giant of a man, and a girl wearing earmuffs and rocking back and forth.

He and Leo stared at each other for a second.

"Uh, hey," the kid finally said. "I'm Aang."


"Tyson. This is Ella. She doesn't like the noise."

There was a loud crash at the door and a 'you can't hide forever Avatar.'

"So," Leo found himself saying. "You're the Avatar."

"Yup, pretty much."

Another crash.

"Um, Leo, should we be capturing him?" Tyson asked.

"Yeah, I think so buddy." Leo looked at the kid. "Uh, sorry, but this is my job, you know. Guy gotta eat."

The kid nodded. "Yeah, I get it. Sorry."


Leo didn't get to say anything more. A gust of wind knocked him back into his work table. Tyson made a lunge for the Airbender, only to get smacked into the ceiling. The door was blasted open, and the Avatar threw the men at it back. Leo watched groggily as the kid disappeared down the hall.

"Avatar," Ella hummed, flapping her arms. "He's an Airbender, yes. Restore balance."

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