Momo earthbends (Percy)

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"Percy, wake up!"

I moaned and rolled over. "No, I don't want to."

"Haru's been captured!"

With a groan, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Who?"

Katara was bending over me. It looked like she had been crying. "Haru? Remember he helped that old man? We thought—I thought, he was safe because no one saw him, but that horrible old man sold him out."

I felt suddenly wide awake. "Oh, Katara. I'm...I'm sorry. That's horrible."

I didn't know what else to say. In the short time we'd been here, Katara had gotten close to Haru.

"It's all my fault," she said. "I'm the one who encouraged him to earthbend."

The others were getting up and trying to comfort Katara. Sokka had stopped halfway into his packing. Aang and Annabeth had abandoned fixing their beds to gather around her.

"It's not your fault," Annabeth's mouth was set in a hard line. "It's the fault of those who took him away."

"When did this happen?" Sokka asked.

"His mother said they took him at midnight," Katara replied.

"Then it's too late to track him."

Katara's eyes narrowed in determination. "We don't need to track him. The Fire Nation is going to take me right to Haru."

"Why would they do that?" Aang asked.

"Because I'm going to get arrested for earthbending."


"I thought you were crazy at first, Katara, but this might work," Sokka said, helping her and me push a boulder to a nearby vent. "There are ventilation shafts throughout these mines. All Aang has to do is send an air current from that vent to this one right here. The boulder levitates and ta-da! Fake earthbending."

"Aang? Did you get all that?" Katara asked.

"Sure, sure, I got it," Aang said. You could really tell how much he was paying attention by the fact that he was currently chasing a butterfly.

"Do you remember your cue?" Sokka asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Just relax. You're taking all the fun out of this."

"By this, do you mean intentionally being captured by a group of ruthless firebenders?"

"Exactly! That's the fun stuff."

"Here they come," I said, interrupting their argument. "Get in your places!"

Aang quit playing with the butterfly, and Katara and Sokka made a show of walking into each other, just as the soldiers came by.

"Get out of my way, pipsqueak!" Sokka shouted.

"How dare you call me pipsqueak, you giant-eared cretin," Katara replied.

"What did you call me?"

"A giant-eared cretin," Katara said. "Look at those things! Do herds of animals use them for shade?"

"You better back off," Sokka shouted, and then muttered: "Seriously, back off."

"I will not back off! I bet elephants get together and make fun of how large your ears are."

"That's it! You're going down!"

"I'll show you whose boss—Earthbending style!" With a overdramatized leap, she swung her fist wildly at the direction of the boulder.

Nothing happened. Annabeth facepalmed. I gave Aang, who was still messing around, a kick. He looked deeply hurt before hearing "Earthbending style!" for a second time and quickly leaped into action. He bent a blast of air down the vent, causing the boulder by Katara to raise, revealing momo.

"That lemur," the guard gasped. "He's Earthbending."

Annabeth face palmed again.

"No, you idiot, it's the girl," Sokka said.


"I'll hold her," Sokka said, grabbing Katara.

The guards quickly handcuffed Katara and lead her away. The four of us watched them. Sokka tugged on his ears.

"Momo, you have big ears," he said.

"Your ears are fine Sokka," Annabeth said in a tired voice.

"I don't know, I think Katara had a point," I mentioned.

"Oh, for Kyoshi's sake, let's just go," Annabeth said.

We followed Katara and the soldiers at a distance. They placed her in a cart and went down to the docks, where they shipped her out on a boat. We went to get Appa, but luckily finding her wasn't difficult. There was only one fire nation boat around. We watched as the boat landed on a large prison rig.

"She'll be fine," Sokka insisted, seeing me and Aang's expressions.

The next twelve hours were horrible. Sokka packed and unpacked, traveled to the village to shop only to come back empty handed. Aang kept taking Appa to check on Katara every thirty minutes until Sokka told him to quit it before they were spotted. I paced endlessly. Only Annabeth seemed untouched.

"Will you stop it?" She finally said about three hours into Katara's imprisonment. "She's fine. Probably having lots of fun."

"Fun?" Sokka said in astonishment. "In prison?"

"At least she gets to do something about it."

"About what?"

"About all this," Annabeth got up, angrily gesturing to the entire world in general. "Doesn't it bother you that these people live in fear, that they're put in prison for using their bending? Doesn't that make you want to do something about it?"

"Of course it does," Sokka snapped back. "But I know I can't do anything about it."

"I don't care," Annabeth said. "That's not true, we can do something about it. If only we could think up something."

"You do that. You're the genius strategist. I'm just a Sokka. With big ears."

"Oh, shut up about your ears!"

"No you shut up about my ears."

"Guys," Aang said desperately. "Can we please not fight about ears right now?"

They stopped and looked at him. Then all four of us broke into a helpless fit of giggles.

"I guess," Aang said once the giggles had subsided. "We're all just worried about Katara."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "I'm not. I mean, did you see that prison?"

"Yeah," Sokka grumbled. "It was huge and scary."

"And surrounded by water." Annabeth said. "She's a waterbender, and they place her in the middle of the ocean. If anyone tries to hurt her they're going to get a very nasty surprise."

"I guess," I said, but the worry in my stomach didn't settle. Katara wasn't much of a waterbender yet.

"We should practice until she comes back," Annabeth decided. "Come on, Sokka, Percy. I'll show you some more moves."

"What's the point?" Sokka complained. "We don't even own fans."

"Who said I was showing you fans?" Annabeth smiled. "Me and Annabeth got you boys something in Omashu."

Me and Sokka watched as she pulled out two shiny, brand new swords.

Percy Jackson and that kid in the icebergDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora