I get advice from a role model, and also a vine (Annabeth)

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"You must be more careful, daughter." Kyoshi said. Her voice was loud, clear and strong. "The spirit world can be a dangerous place. It is not for morals to wander in."

Annabeth knew that she should probably be suspicious if this was really Kyoshi, but somehow she knew this was real. Kyoshi felt and looked real, blunt. She stood out in this world of mystic as a solid earthly figure. She wasn't, Annabeth realized looking at her, all that pretty. The statue in her town had certainly exaggerated things. Somehow she seemed more real then anything Annabeth had seen in the physical world.

"Avatar Kyoshi," she found herself repeating, and began to bow.

Kyoshi scoffed. "Don't be a fool girl. You don't treat my future life so prettily."

"I'm not—" Annabeth sputtered, blushing. "This isn't because you're the avatar. You're my—"

She didn't know what would follow afterwards, but Kyoshi cut her off.

"No matter. I despise pleasantries. Come with me. We must talk."

Annabeth followed her as she moved decisively through the jungle, her heart pounding. Kyoshi. This was the woman she had heard so much about in legends and stories, standing right next to her as if this was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Aang his here," she managed. "He needs to talk to you."

She would have usually framed her words to be more polite, but she knew from every legend she had ever heard that Kyoshi valued strength and honesty. She had said herself that she despised pleasantries.

"No," Kyoshi responded. "He needs to talk to Roku. That good for nothing layabout is probably—well, never mind. The point is, I'm afraid it is not quite as easy to contact Roku as he hopes, but he should get some answers here."

"So he's in the spirit world too?"

"Yes. He's figured out that much," Kyoshi said. "He is strong and kind, desiring peace, which is well for an Avatar. But he values spirituality too much, and common sense too little. I wanted to warn you of this, daughter."

Annabeth liked the way she said 'daughter'. There was no warmth in the words, no gentleness like the monster disguised as her mother had. It was spoken as of it was simply a unarguable fact, something Annabeth just was.

"He needs you," Kyoshi said. "He needs a warrior. He needs someone smart and he needs someone willing to get their hands dirty. You are both. So far the six of you have had plenty of fun, quite the wonderful little vacation. Sadly that's all going to come crashing down pretty soon. The fire nation isn't going to let you continue traipsing around. You will all be tested."

"I'm ready for that," said Annabeth, and she meant it. "I know that this will get ugly. I'm prepared, as much as I can be."

"Hmp. That's not very much. But I believe you're all strong enough to survive what's coming. Whatever that is. No, being an avatar doesn't let me see the future, girl. But I see other things. That beast you meant takes the shape of your greatest fears."

"I hate spiders." Annabeth said, unable to suppress a shudder of disgust at the mention of the creatures.

"But it didn't appear as a spider, did it? No, it preyed on a stronger fear first. You fear weakness above all."


"Don't. You are weak in many ways, daughter. That's why you have your friends. You need them. And they you. We are all weak in one way or another, even the avatar. Do not falter when it comes on relying on a fellow soldier for support. The belief that you alone can do what is necessary is your fatal flaw."

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