We meet a lot of magma (Percy)

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We made it.

Somehow, we had survived it all. With great relief, we all slide down Appa. Poor guy was exhausted after all that. Katara gave him an affectionate belly rub.

"Aww, you must be tired," she cooed.

"No! I'm good. Refreshed and ready to fight some firebenders." Sokka cheerfully replied.

"I was talking to Appa."

"Well I was talking to Momo."

"Focus," Annabeth said. "Now the temples sure to be guarded, we'll have to approach with caution, to say nothing about speed."

"Let's go," Aang agreed cheerfully. The two headed our group, a very weird pair. Fun loving monk and fearsome warrior. Why not?

We entered hesitantly and as stealthily as we could, trying our best to follow Annabeth's lead. It was a nice temple, very red, very spiky. Generally Fire Nation-y. No guards. Annabeth theorized that maybe the temple was just too old, and had been abandoned since Avatar Roku died. But we were careful coming in anyhow.

It turned out to be a good thing, because we did meet someone pretty quickly. Five someones, all dressed in red with very tall hats.

"We are the Fire Sages. Guardians of the temple of the Avatar," one of them declared.

"Great," said Aang, always the optimistic. "I'm the avatar!"

He got the answer I thought he would. Fireball to the face. Luckily for Aang he was able to dodge, and luckily for the rest of us we were able to get the heck away from there.

"Follow me," Aang said, as we fled through the halls.

"Do you know where we're going?" Annabeth asked.


Of course he didn't. That would make things easy.

We ran straight into another fire mage and headed straight back the way we had come when he shouted: "I don't want to fight you. I am a friend."

"Firebenders are no friends of ours," Annabeth said, fan ready.

The firebender bowed low, and his hands and knees.

"I know why you are here, Avatar," he said. "And I seek to aid you."


"You wish to speak to Avatar Roku. I can take you to him."

"And why would you do that?" Annabeth demanded.

"Because I am a fire mage, and it is my duty to serve the avatar. The others have lost their way, but I, Chiron, remain loyal. I promise you."

We glanced all looked at Annabeth, who gave the guy a decisive once over and nodded. "We have no chose. Show us the way."

The man got up and nodded. "Follow me."

We did. He took us deep into the temple, where streams of lava ran beside us and our path was made of jagged black rock. The cavern felt very old, and the air was thick and hot. I was glad I left my furs behind with Appa.

"Avatar Roku once called this temple his home. He formed these secret passages out of the magma," Chiron explained.

"Did you know Avatar Roku?" Annabeth asked.

"No. But my grandfather knew him. Many generations of Fire Sages guarded this Fire Temple long before me. We all have a strong spiritual connection to this place."

"Is that how you knew I was coming?" Aang asked.

Chiron shook his head. "A few weeks ago, an amazing thing occurred. The statue of Avatar Roku; its eyes began to glow!"

Percy Jackson and that kid in the icebergKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat