Mustaches open doors (Annabeth)

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"Are you okay?"

Annabeth turned to see the waterbending girl. She nodded.


They had stopped for the night. Sokka was fast asleep, as was Aang. Percy was making up her bed. She had run off with nothing but her uniform and fans. Everyone (except Sokka) had been very nice and offered their own mats or sleeping bags, but Annabeth had insisted she was fine. Unable to let her sleep on the ground, Percy had grabbed some spare blankets to make her more comfortable.

"I'm Katara," the girl said.

"Annabeth. Sorry about just up and joining you guys like that. I just didn't have time to ask the rest of you or anything."

"It's okay," Katara said. "I actually think it was pretty brave of you to come with us, leaving behind your home and your parents."

Annabeth stiffened. "My parents aren't on Kyoshi. I came there as a kid. They sorta...adopted me," she stared into the flickering fire. "I didn't want to leave without a goodbye, but I think they'll understand. They always knew I wanted to fight."

"I don't see why Suki couldn't come to," Sokka grumbled from his sleeping bag.

"I thought you were asleep," Katara said, sounding annoyed that he wasn't.

"Suki had to protect Kyoshi Island," Annabeth answered his question.

"What about you?"

Annabeth glared at him. The same thing was bothering her, had she left Kyoshi just when it began to need her? But she answered:

"I'm not the leader, and the best way I can protect my people is by helping the Avatar end the war."

"It's ready," Percy called.

Annabeth got up stiffly and went over to her bed. Percy had actually made a cozy little nook out of blankets and pine needles.

"Thanks," she said.

"No problem," he hesitated. "Are you sure you don't need my sleeping bag?"

"Are you insinuating that just because I'm a girl I need comforts more than you?"

Percy's mouth titled up at the corners. "No, but I'm from the South Pole. I'm used to the cold."

"I'm fine," she promised. "Night."

Percy wished her a good night as well and went to bed.

Annabeth looked up at the stars. As much as she hated it, part of her worried Sokka was right. Had she abandoned her only home and family? No, that was silly. No one had attacked them before the Avatar came, and now that he was gone, surely they'd be left alone. She was the one in danger now.

The thought should have filled her with dread, but instead, she felt a jolt of excitement. She had imagined thousands of situations when she finally became the hero she was meant to be: traveling to Ba Sing Se and defending the walls from attack, assassinating a fire nation general, planning a direct and clever attack against the fire nation itself. But never had she dared to dream that she would just happen to stumble upon the Avatar himself, and just happen to join him in stopping this war.

She fell asleep smiling.


"The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu," Aang declared. "I used to always come here to visit my friend Bumi."

The other four stared, their eyes practically popping out of their heads. Never before had Annabeth seen such a huge place. The entire thing was built on a huge, towering mountain, no doubt created by earthbenders. She had never imagined such a big city could even exist.

"Wow," Katara said. "We don't have buildings like this in the South Pole."

"They have buildings that don't melt," Sokka exclaimed.

"Well let's go, slowpokes. The real fun's inside the city," Aang said.

"Wait, Aang," Katara pulled him back. "It could be dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar."

"You need a disguise," Sokka agreed.

"Like a large mustache," Percy said.


A few seconds later, Aang had a large mustache.

"Ugh, this is itchy," he complained.

Annabeth raised an eyebrow. "I don't think that disguise is going to fool anyone."

"Nonsense," Percy insisted. "It's perfect."

"You look exactly like my grandfather," Sokka said.

Katara nodded. "Technically Aang is 112 years old."

Aang bent over his staff. "Now let's get to skippin', young whipper-snappers. The big city awaits!" he croaked.

The Omashu gates were opened by earthbenders. Annabeth couldn't help but worry about how they were going to get inside, but Aang assured her it would be easy.

"You're going to love Omashu," he said. "It's the most friendly place in the world."

"Hey!" A sudden shout startled the crew. The guards were yelling at a cabbage merchant. "Rotten cabbages? What sort of slum do you think this is?"

They watched as the guard knocked the poor man's cart into the chasm below while he wailed "No! My cabbages!"

"Just keep smiling," Aang said.

They all walked over to the guards. Katara smiled nervously while Percy gave a hesitant wave. Annabeth found herself wishing she had worn her uniform instead of one of Katara's ill-fitting clothes. She tried to walk confidently anyway, with her chin held high and her shoulders back.

A guard raised a boulder above Aang's head. "State your business."

Aang ran from beneath the boulder and confronted the man.

"My business is my business young man," he shouted in a pretty good old man voice. "And none of yours. I have half a mind to bend you over my knee and paddle your backside!"

The guard took a step back. "Settle down, old-timer! Just tell me who you are."

"Name's Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis, the Third, and these are my grandkids."

Bonzu what now?

Katara smiled and waved. "Hi. June Pippinpaddleopsicopolis. Nice to meet you."

"You seem like a responsible young lady. See that your grandfather stays out of trouble. Enjoy Omashu," the guard said.

"We will," Katara smiled.

To her amazement, they all passed through, except Sokka. The guard pulled him aside.

"You're a strong young boy," he said. "Show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandfather's bag."

"What a good idea," Aang said, throwing an unhappy Sokka his bag.

The guard then let them through. Annabeth watched as he opened all three of Omashu's huge gates, revealing the gigantic city inside.

They were in Omashu.

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