The beginning

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"Move" one of the guards said pushing me out of the carriage. The first one broke so we were changing. My hands were in shackles so I couldn't use my powers. I am a Grisha, a tidemaker. Wondering how I ended up like this?

I got captured after I got lost in the woods. I hadn't realized I had entered Fjerdan territory until four men came behind me. I got scared and didn't think straight. Immediately I raised my hands drawing water from a puddle close to me.

The Fjerdans all lunged forward. I filled the lungs of the two first ones just enough to make them pass out. I didn't want to kill them. I needed just enough time to get to the sea. I looked around for the third and fourth but I didn't see them anywhere.

Then a rope rolled around my hands clasping them to my sides. They had me. Or they thought so. I started fighting but the men were too strong. And that's how I ended up here. All caught up? Good, because I'll be out of this mess very soon.

While I was in the first carriage I had time to plan my escape. I knew they'd take me to the Ice Court, meaning certain death but also meaning a port and sea. Now that I was slightly calm I could get out of these shackles. My lockpicking skills had no match.

One of the guards pushed me into the second carriage and I shot him a pointy look. I hadn't said a word since they'd captured me.
"Don't look at me like that witch." he spat at me and closed the door.

I rolled my eyes at the comment. 'My only crime is existing' I thought to myself. I noticed this time they didn't put a guard with me. Big mistake. Did they really think I'd give up?

Fjerdans might be strong but they're not smart. I felt the temperature go lower. We were close. I realized I should start working on my cuffs. I
broke them in two minutes but I kept them on just in case they decided to check up on me.

Then the carriage came into a halt. The doors opened and one for the guards dragged me out. I looked around. Five guards around me and two at the gate. My eyes caught the port. It wasn't very far and I could make a run for it. The guard grabbed my arm but I kicked him in the bad spot. The others alarmed came towards me.

I let my hands free grabbing the riffle from the guy I had kicked. I shot two of them then ran to the port. I heard the heavy footsteps of the other Fjerdans behind me. I was so close I could feel the power of the water surging through me.

I raised my hand sending a wave towards the guards. They backed off and I ran away. Luckily a ship was getting ready to sail. I got inside a crate and felt being lifted up.

I stayed in there for a couple of hours. I didn't care where I was going. The further I was from the Little Palace, the better. When I got out of the crate it was dark. I was below decks. Climbing up the stairs I realized not many people were in the ship.

I realized I had left my bag of supplies when I escaped. I had money and food there. Now I realized I had to win it back. Or steal it. I went around the ship picking up different wallets from the passengers and taking the money.

I traveled for three weeks and learned that I was going to Ketterdam. I didn't like closed places like ships, or small rooms but the sea comforted me.

*Time Skip*

It had been six months since I arrived at Ketterdam and things were going fine. I lived off of pickpocketing people. That's the only way I could pay for that one filthy room I had rented.

It wasn't much but I could at least have somewhere to stay. I had made some friends here and there who all decided to join this gang called The Dregs. It was leaded by a boy named Kaz Brekker. I'd never seen him but I didn't want to join his gang.

Kaz's POV.

I had struck a good deal with a new client and I was walking back to the Crow Club. I had a lot of money in my pockets so I should be more careful. Though no one has ever tried to steal from me. You can never be too careful.

A dark skinned girl passed by me quickly but I didn't give her much attention. I stepped in the Club and got greeted by Jesper.

"So boss did you get the money?" he asked eager.
"Of course Jesper be patient." I said putting a hand in my pocket to get the money. Instead my hand grabbed another thing. It was kinda heavy. I took it out.

"What the- did someone actually pickpocket Kaz Brekker?" Jesper said not even believing his own words. I couldn't believe them either. Who dares to steal from me. Then it came to me. The girl.

"Jesper, find Inej and come to my office" I said walking away.
"Right away boss"

~ I really want to continue this chapter but I need to know if y'all like it. I'll update the next chapter soon. Sorry for not posting on the other stories but I'll be back. See ya 🌻.~

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