That went well

498 14 7

Third person POV.

The conductor relieved sat down.
"What do you mean by that?" Kaz asked making a step forward.

"I thought you were with the Little Palace. As you know I smuggle Grisha out of the palace. They have begun to add the security to the palace grounds and i thought they'd suspected someone." he said looking around.

"So can you help us" Kaz said. His mind went to work.
"Not to get inside the palace, i won't." the conductor said seriously.

"We don't need you for that. We just need to cross the Fold safely." Allegra said looking at Kaz who blinked slowly in agreement.

"You will have to pay me a lot then. I wasn't planning any trip across the Fold for at least another week." he said looking at Allegra.

"Or we could tell the palace what's your job." Allegra said getting irritated. A part of her though didn't want the money split in five. The less people the more her part.

"You wouldn't dare!" the conductor tilted his head, looking into her eyes.
"You don't want to know what she would dare to do!" Jesper stepped in Kaz following.

"Don't take your chances. She's a Grisha." he said dangerously. The conductor looked at Allegra, fear swimming in his eyes. Then he looked at Jesper and Kaz after deciding.

"Fine. I'll take you. We leave tomorrow. Dead of the night, right outside of the city. But I'll need some things." he said.

"What do you need?" Kaz asked.
"Jurda, 20 pounds of alabaster coal and..." he trailed off sizing Jesper up and down before saying, " a goat". Jesper looked at him confused and Allegra chuckled lightly. They nodded and turned around to leave. Kaz stopped and looked back at the conductor.

"Don't even think of betraying us. You know who she is." he says nodding towards Allegra. The conductor nodded slowly.


"So what's the plan?" Allegra asked Kaz when they all gathered in this office.

"Inej, get the Jurda. Allegra, you're with me. I am not holding that goat, and Jesper... only the coal.... No detours." he completed giving Kaz the money in a threatening way.

Jesper nodded and left. Inej had already disappeared so Kaz and Allegra were left alone. Kaz sat on his desk and looked through some papers.

"So i get the goat, you do the pretty face?" Allegra joked slowly taking Kaz's cane and hiding it behind her. A little joke wouldn't hurt, right?

Kaz just looked up and sighed. He got up from the chair and eye-searched for his cane. He saw it behind her but didn't say anything about it. She wanted a game, he would play.

"Allegra, where's my cane?" he asked in a low voice.
"You expect me to know?" she asked trying to look innocent.

Kaz almost smirked but instead he walked slowly towards her. Allegra stepped back. He looked deep into her eyes, always walking towards her.
"Well... I do..." he whispered and without breaking eye contact he reached a hand behind her, grabbing the cane.

Allegra felt his breath close but didn't dare to move. Kaz usually would feel uncomfortable being so close to someone but with her it felt...right. At that moment he remembered that he had to stay far from her. He got distracted, again.

It was just something about this girl that made him turn into that 11 year old boy and he hated it. Well half hated it. He moved back anyway setting the cane to his side.

"Shall we go then?" he said. Allegra snapped back to reality. She was so lost in his eyes that she forgot why she was even there in the first place.

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