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Please do not skip this authors note because it iz very important.

In the last chapter i said that it was the end of the first part of the book.

As you might have noticed the story was completely something i created with of course parts from the books and Netflix adaptation.

The next part is going to be based of the Netflix adaptation. Of course I'm gonna have to change some things so i can match it with the plot I've already created but I'll try to keep it as original as i can.

I want to continue it as well, in the future maybe, with the books.
Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom. Of course that's if you guys want to read it. So please interact as much as you can with this chapter so i know if you guys want me to continue it or wrap it up here.

And now let's not forget the story my friend is writing. Alex is a really good writer and I'd be very grateful if you checked out his story.

The story is going to be on one of my reading lists called "BOOK BY MY BESTIE" and you can find it here as well. sureimstraight. Go give the story some love. It's already doing very good and we'd both be very grateful if you checked it out.

Hope you have an amazing day and i shall join Alex in her mission to shove dry crackers down your throat if you don't eat :)

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