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Third person POV.

The group arrived in Keramzin the next day in the afternoon. They had to take the long route just in case someone followed them.

Allegra hadn't said a word to Kaz the whole way. They had made occasional stops to rest. She had stayed with Jesper and Kaz himself hadn't taken the courage to talk to her. He didn't understand why she was being so cold towards him.

All he knew was that the Darkling had caught Inej and Allegra sneaking out and that they had managed to escape. Inej was the fist one to come out so he assumed the Darkling had told her something. He wanted to talk to her but then he would seem desperate.

Be hadn't forgotten about his plan of forgetting her. It was becoming way harder especially after what happened. All the time that Allegra was stuck in there with the Darkling he hadn't stopped worrying.

He was in the brick of going inside himself to see what was taking her so long. Now, they were going back to Ketterdam with the package and soon they would get the money. Allegra would leave, Inej would pay off a big part of her indenture, Jesper would probably lose it all gambling and him, he would lock it in his safe and keep it there until needed.

He was happy that they had made one more stop. It meant more time around her to maybe tell her.... But what would he tell her?

He wasn't that type of person, to open up to someone. He shut out his feelings, that's what made him so successful. He didn't get caught up in sentiment, until now at least.

They had stopped in Keramzin to get food supplies for their trip to Kribirsk and across the fold. The conductor would be waiting for them in the wagon the next day. Allegra had taken upon her the job to get the food and Kaz went to get the coal they needed.

After what happened they wouldn't leave that job to Jesper again. Inej went to scout out the place for any danger and Jesper stayed near the horses.

While walking around Allegra spotted a carriage in which girls and boys were waiting to get on to. She saw a bakery near and made her way to it. Suddenly a girl crashed into her.

"I'm so sorry, sorry i was just getting late" the girl said and helped her up.
"It's okay. Where were you going anyways?" Allegra asked as she dusted off her clothes.

"Oh I'm a mapmaker, they're collecting us and sending off near the front lines." the girl said. Allegra took some time to take in her features.

She looked Shu but she figured her parents might've died and she'd ended up here.

"What about you, i haven't seen you around" the girl asked.
"I'm just a traveler, i stopped here to get some food. Any good spots you'd recommend?" Allegra was just trying to be nice and taking she hadn't talked to someone this nice in some time she just wanted to stay there.

"Sure! This bakery for example has the best bread buns and the shop down the street has different exotic fruits that can last long since you're traveling."
"That's very helpful, thank you"

A shout was heard from the carriage and the girl turned her head.
"I have to go, it was nice meeting you." she said and turned to leave. Allegra noticed she hadn't gotten her name.
"Hey what's your name?" she shouted at her.

"Alina Starkov. You?" she said back.
"Allegra Flynn. It was nice meeting you!"

Allegra smiled. The girl was so nice. She felt bad she had to go so close to the front lines, you never knew what happened there. She made sure to check out the shops she recommended and sure she was happy with the things she got.

Kaz on the other side didn't meet anyone. Alone with his thoughts he decided he'd talk to her tonight. He didn't know what he'd say, but it was better to start somewhere.

The way to his heart ~ Kaz Brekker FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now