Now what?

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Third person POV.

The little group now was in a little bar in Kirbirsk trying to calm down from the experience. The conductor had left them to continue alone.

"So, now what?" Allegra asked looking at Kaz who was in deep thoughts.
"Now we find a ride to Os Alta." he said looking around.

"We could steal a carriage?" Jesper offered, pointing at an empty carriage with two horses. Kaz turned his head to it's direction and nodded.

"And how are we getting inside the palace?" Inej asked playing with her knifes.
"That's where I'm hoping Allegra will help." Kaz said.

Allegra looked down. The group was relying on her to get them inside and she had a half complete plan.

"If anything hasn't changed since I left then right after nightfall guards at the main entrance change. If they haven't changed them I know both of them and I can distract them while you get inside." Allegra said.

"And how will we find our way around the place?" Jesper asked.
"We need a map" Inej said.

"I can do that. I know every passage and corner of the palace." Allegra said. Kaz looked at her but she avoided him. She found out about the passages while running away from the Inferni.

Kaz ordered Inej to go around the place and check for any unexpected things and sent Jesper to get some paper for Allegra to draw the proportions of the palace. Allegra instantly realized that Kaz wanted to speak with her.

She went to get up and leave but Kaz put the cane in front of her. She tried to move but Kaz spoke first.
"How do you know all that?" he asked looking straight at her eyes.

Allegra avoided his eyes and kept silent. Kaz repeated his question but his voice became more and more serious.

"Fine. I had to memorize every passage and corner to escape the Inferni. Are you happy now?" she snapped and left. Kaz didn't stop her this time.

He was too busy thinking of how he was going to slowly and painfully kill that Inferni. It might not go with the plan but he wasn't letting him walk around the place like nothing happened. He messed with his girl and he was gonna pay for it.

Allegra's POV.

Kaz started being all weird about the Inferni so I just snapped at him and left. Though now i half regret it. Anyone hearing the fact that i know every passage and corner of the palace will be curious and ask why.

But Kaz already knew the story. He knew what happened. Then why did he ask? I was outside keeping an eye on the carriage when i realized some details. It was a royal carriage.

I saw Inej climb down and go to Kaz and then Jesper with the paper and pen with him. I ran towards them but not before stumbling upon someone. Crap, it was the general.

I quickly apologized hoping he didn't remember me. But of course he did.

"Allegra, what are you doing here?" Kirigan asked me. I noticed Kaz and the others go to the carriage and get in. I couldn't walk away. He was still my general after all.

"Umm I am on an undercover mission... because... Fjerdans have been spotted here." I tried but seeing the confusion on his face i decided to run for it. I didn't want to involve the others so i just got a white horse that i found and galloped away.

Kaz must've understood the situation because after some time I saw the carriage catching up with me. The Darkling wasn't behind us so i signaled the others to stop.

"Leave the carriage, get the horses. It will be easier to travel like that. We have a long way to Os Alta." I instructed and Kaz nodded going to work to let the horses free.

Kaz got the black one and Jesper, along with Inej behind him, got the brown one. I was galloping in front of them, occasionally looking back to see if we were being followed.

When night fell we found a little abandoned cottage and set camp there. Inej made the fire and we all sat around it.

"Now that Kirigan saw me he's going to alert all the guards and everyone else in the palace. Meaning, throw plan A in the bin. Time for plan B."

"Give me the paper Jesper." he gave it to me and i started drawing in silence and as fast as I could. When i was done i spread it out before them and pointed at an entrance.

"This one takes us right at one of the corridors. I am suspecting that the statue will be kept here, in the side room of the general's office. Now Kirigan is smart, he knows that I'm here but he doesn't know why. Meaning he's not going to move the statue but he's definitely going to be patrolling the palace."

"So we get in from here, then we're going to take a left right here and we're gonna come to a dead end, which is actually not a dead end. Pulling down one of the torches will be revealing a passage which takes us right into Kirigan's office. We take the statue get out the way we got in and I'm relying on Jesper to find us a way of escaping fast with a statue of unknown size with us." I finished and everyone was quiet.

"That works for me" Jesper shrugged. He looked at Kaz, who was in deep thought looking at the fire. The flame reflected into his eyes and made them look more human and less... Kaz.

"It's a good plan. But what about the guards pacing up and down the corridor?" Kaz asked looking at me. I smirked knowing the answer.

"It takes exactly one minute for the guards to walk to the end of this corridor and take a turn to continue to the next part. Enough time for us to slip to the passage." I said.

"Alright then, we have a plan" he said and got up going inside the cottage. I sighed and laid down on the grass. Tomorrow night we were going to arrive at the palace and i was hoping for no surprises.

Kaz's POV.

I went inside the cottage to be alone and think of how i was going to divert the plan so I'd be face to face with that Inferni. It then came to my mind that I knew nothing about him. As if she was reading my mind Allegra came inside and sat down besides me.

"What are you thinking?" she asked softly. I didn't answer. She sighed and continued.

"Sorry that i snapped at you earlier. It's just that i don't like talking about it. I mean if you were in my place you wouldn't talk about it either. It's like whenever I think of it, it makes me hate myself even more."

All that made me mad. How could such a wonderful person like her even think of hating herself. At the same time it made me more determined to find that guy and kill him. But that would have to wait until tomorrow.

Looking down i saw Allegra asleep. She looked peaceful. Without realizing i found myself smiling lightly. I covered her with a blanket and went to my cot. It wasn't easy to sleep, all that crossed my mind was how i was going to get revenge.

The way to his heart ~ Kaz Brekker FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon