A life-changing job

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~Hi guys, so how is it going? I hope you're liking the story. The pic has nothing to do with the story I just liked it. Enjoy 🌻~

Tw: mention of r@pe, I tell you when to skip.

Third person POV

After the successful job Allegra had formally joined the Dregs. She even got the tattoo of the Crows on her forearm. Apart from that she got two waves in her wrist to remind her of who she really was.

Believe it or not, she and Kaz had gotten really close. Kaz would trust her with every change he did in his plans the last minute. He'd have her by his side every time he went to struck a deal. She had become his right hand woman.

Of course she couldn't climb walls and sneak up on people like Inej did but she had her traits. After training with Jesper in one of the safe houses outside the city she had become a really good shooter. Not as good as Jesper but let's say until now she had only missed twice.

She was good at stealing. The word of the stolen DeKappel got out immediately the next day and not even Van Eck suspected her. She'd stayed all night with him watching him lose his money but still brag that she was good luck.

Kaz of course learned everything that happened that night from Inej. How she had distracted the guards, picked the locks with extreme ease and even find her way around the Grisha Fabrikator mechanism.

It was all Kaz needed to at least build a little trust in her. But he still knew that she was hiding something. Something really deep. It wasn't any of his business of course but he felt like whatever she was keeping inside was burdening her even more.

He didn't believe for a second that the army had sent her to infiltrate Fjerdan borders. She was too young. The only remaining option was that she had run away.

To have run away, something had to have happened, something very, very bad. Kaz had his own fair share of very, very bad things happening to him. He knew how it was to be haunted by the memories.

For some weird reason he didn't want Allegra to be alone with those thoughts. But who was he to make her speak? He was just the Bastard of the Barrel, not someone who you would trust with your deepest, darkest secrets.

He'd gotten a lead on a new job. Across the Fold. In the Little Palace. The place where Allegra came from. He knew he needed her with him in this job. She was the only one to know the grounds.

But what if going back there brought her bad memories? The most important question though that was tormenting Kaz was : why did he care if going back to the Little Palace brought Allegra bad memories?

He didn't know, or rather he didn't want to know. But he was going to learn the truth even if it ment pushing her over the line.

Allegra didn't gamble much. She would usually stay in her room or wander around the streets pickpocketing tourists. Kaz had sent Inej to find har that day and send her to his office.

He heard a knock at the door and called her in. Allegra sat down and they both stayed in an uncomfortable silence. After a while Kaz spoke.

"Tell me the truth Allegra, how did you end up in Ketterdam?" he asked her. Not in a harsh voice, no. He wanted this conversation not to be forced even though he was pushing her to tell him.

"I've told you that a thousand times" and she had. Kaz had asked her, was it only a brief, quick question or a whole conversation Kaz had asked her.

"That is not the truth Allegra. I've seen how your face falls when you talk about it. I've seen the difficulty in your voice when you try to say that everyone thinks you're dead. There's more in that story Allegra and if you want me to trust you for this job and be sure you are going to complete it without detours, I have to know."

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