Things are going ok... for now.

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small warning: r@pe mentioned. if you're not comfortable reading it just skip when it says "flashbacks flooded her mind.." to the end of that paragraph. 


The little group woke up early and mounted their horses. The trip was quiet until they stopped to eat. Kaz and Allegra didn't talk at all. Until Kaz changed the plan.

"Inej and Allegra should get inside. I would just slow you down. I'll be guarding the door." he said.

Allegra found this weird because Kaz would never back off of something just because of his limp. Though she agreed with the plan.

Kaz on the other side had his own plan of revenge. This was only the fist step, to be left alone in the castle. The next step, to find out who the Inferni was.

For that he'd have to ask Allegra, which he thought was the hardest part. Suddenly they heard a horse trotting in the distance. Quickly they got their horses and hid behind some bushes.

Allegra squinted her eyes to see the person riding the horse. The sight terrified her. It was him. She never thought she'd see him again. Flashbacks flooded her mind. She saw herself running away, passing Baghra's little hut. She didn't dare scream of fear he'd spot her. He had lost trail of her when she entered the forest. Then in a flash there she was, pinned to a tree. "you didn't think you'd escape from me, did ya?" he had whispered in her ear. She was crying silently. As a last hope she used her own tears as a spark to conjure more water. The boy just laughed as he backed off. She remembered him lightning a match and using the fire to make a circle around them. She was scared and just let it happen.

 Kaz saw her scared face and assumed the person riding the horse was her assaulter. He tried to take a better look at him . Now that he knew how that person looked like, he was going to get revenge.

Jesper and Inej looked at the man and thought nothing of it. Though they realized he was a grisha from the red kefta he was wearing. Kaz turned to Allegra. 

"Are you ok?" he whispered to her. Allegra just nodded but she didn't mean it. She was far from okay. Seeing him again wasn't on her ' things-are-going-to-be-fine' list. After they were sure he'd left, they got out of their hiding spot.

"We should get going. When we get there it's already going to be dark and the grishas are going to be to their rooms." Allegra said mounting her horse.

"In which side of the castle are the sleeping rooms of the grishas?" Kaz asked plainly. All of them shot him a confused look.

"Just trying to gather information about the place we're breaking in." he said.

"All of them are in the south tower. Exactly opposite of where we're going" Allegra replied with a sigh. She didn't know why Kaz wanted to know about this but she didn't give it much thought, still being semi-traumatized just from the sight of him. She had promised herself that she'd be strong but clearly that didn't work. She was still that scared girl she was that night. 

"I say we go over the plan once more." Jesper suggested. "I will be finding a way of us to get out of there as fast as we can" he completed waiting for Inej and Allegra to respond. Allegra was still shocked and Kaz realized that so he answered first his part.

"I will be patrolling around in a guard's robe while..." he left it there, lightly nudging Allegra with his cane to shake her out of her state.

"And me and Allegra will sneak in the general's  office to take the statue" Inej filled in. With that they mounted their horses and galloped towards the castle.

By nightfall they were able to see the castle. They waited until midnight and snuck in the backyard. Jesper left towards the stables and Kaz went to steal some guard clothes.

The way to his heart ~ Kaz Brekker FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora