Slight problem in the plan

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Third person POV.

The Darkling came out of the shadows and looked at the girls. He had suspected someone was in his office so he had gone back inside the room but hadn't fully closed the door.

He'd seen the girls leave and had followed them in the tunnel. Allegra and Inej didn't move. They hadn't thought this far. Everything was going so well.

"Hello there general." Allegra courageously said and stepped a bit forward.
"What are you doing" Inej whispered to her grabbing her arm.

Allegra winked at her and turned her attention back to general Kirigan.
"To what do we owe the visit?" he said straightening his posture.

"Oh, you know... just visiting." Allegra put her hand, which was holding the bag, behind her back and pushed it towards Inej. She understood the memo and took the bag slowly melting into the shadows and leaving the place.

It was too dark for anyone to see past a meter or two so Kirigan didn't notice her leave. Inej ran out of the tunnel and met up with Kaz and Jesper.

Meanwhile in the tunnel Allegra was still stuck with the darkling.

"Listen, i know why you left, i know what happened..." he began talking but Allegra interrupted him.
"You know nothing!" she spat looking him dead in the eyes.

"I know everything that goes around in my castle" he responded.
"Then why didn't you do anything?" she started getting mad. The air around them felt damp and Allegra would use that to her advantage.

"It was simply, not too important" he waved his hand in the air as if trying to swat away the problem.
"Then why did you cover my escape? Why did you tell everyone i had gone on a secret mission in Fjerda?" she asked.

"I couldn't have everyone think they can just leave this place whenever they wish." he said. Allegra was furious. Despite his claims of protecting every Grisha he had let that happen to her.

"You know i could've let you escape tonight. But now after you killed my strongest Inferni i can't let you get away." he continued. Allegra froze. She hadn't done it, she was with Inej the whole time.

"....What?" she was confused.

Kaz POV.

I saw Inej running towards us but she was alone. There was a bag in her hand which i suppose is the statue but Allegra was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Allegra" Jesper asked before me, worry in his voice.
"We got caught by the darkling..." she stopped to take a breath ".. I was able to escape in the dark but Allegra stayed behind to distract him."

"We can't leave without her" I said trying not to sound too concerned. I was worried of course. I kept thinking it was my fault for having us discovered.

I shouldn't have thrown the guy out of the window. I thought no one would notice. I was mad at the time, i wasn't thinking straight. What if she was in danger?

"Yes, but we can't stay here in the open as well, we might be noticed." Jesper said.
"He's right. We have to hide" Inej backed him up.

"No we stay here. We fight whoever sees us. If Allegra escapes she won't be able to find us if we're hiding." i said. It was more then that. I wouldn't budge until i saw her brown eyes again.

I had gone too soft for my liking. There was nothing i could do about it. I'd just have to wait for her to get the money and leave this place. Maybe then I'd be able to forget her.

Allegra's POV

So he was dead. He got what he deserved. But who did it? No one else knew exept...

"Oh yes. He had fallen out of his dorm's window. I suppose you had something to do with it?" his voice interrupted my thoughts.

I couldn't keep stalling anymore. I had to leave. I felt the humid in the air and called it upon me. With a fast movement i sent a wave of hot water to his face.

It caught him off guard and he had to cover his eyes. I turned around and ran as fast as I could. The only thought on my mind was who could've done that.

I got to the exit of the tunnel and saw the three of them waiting for me. Then it came to me. Kaz.

He knew what had happened, that's why he asked where the guys dormitories was. But why did he do it?
I'd have to talk with him about that later. We had to leave. The conductor was waiting for us in Kribirsk to take us back.

"Leave the carriage, it will slow us down." I said as Jesper got to work.
"What happened in there" Inej asked and hugged me.

"He'd noticed us" I said and gave Kaz a look of disapproval and disappointment. Luckily no one saw it or else they'd have questions and i wasn't ready to answer them.

I got in a horse with Jesper and Kaz with Inej. I didn't want to be with him. Of course i was very grateful for giving him what he deserved but he had risked everyone by killing him.

I wrapped my arms around Jesper and i slowly drifted asleep.


This is a story by my friend sureimstraight . It's based on the Dream smp fandom but anyone who hasn't seen it can read the story. The story is placed on a high school. I have read some of it and i can guarantee it's amazing and will keep you guys interested in it. It iz very gay for my fruity friends ;)

 It iz very gay for my fruity friends ;)

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