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Meg's POV

Two years ago, Thanos supplied Loki and I with the means to attack and conquer Earth. All he wanted in return was the Tesseract. It was an easy job with a big reward. But I screwed it up. I was young and dumb. I helped to stop the fighting , I doomed us, all because of death.

Loki told me few people would have to die. I was niave. Death is inevitable. I betrayed him because of death. So many people died between the two of us back then, I thought it was wrong, I thought I was supposed to protect everyone. So I let Natasha close the portal. I let us fail.

Loki and I were captured. We were sent back to Asgard but I never made it. Thanos took me. He brought me to his ship and made me choose. I had the choice to join him or die. I desperately didn't want to join him. He knew that so he offered a deal he knew I couldn't refuse. He offered to pardon Loki.

As long as I work for Thanos, Loki is safe. He will not be hunted down and harmed. However, I can not contact anyone from my previous life. I can not contact any Asgardian or anyone on Earth. I don't know if Loki knows where I am or what I have done. All I know is that he is safe from Thanos.

A safety he would have had years ago if I did not let morals get in the way. I know now that death is inevitable. Just like Thanos. He will stop at nothing to complete his goal. And I will stop at nothing to help him.

Half of the universe may be killed, but Loki will not. Loki will live. He will live because I owe him that much. He would have been king. He would have been both feared and loved.

Thanos loves me in his own way. He has adopted two others before me, my sisters. Nebula is the oldest. She is mostly a robot now. When she was younger, Thanos had her and my other sister, Gamora, fight. The loser lost a body part that would be replaced by a robot. Gamora never lost. She was Thanos's favorite. Until I came along.

Thanos doesn't have us fight. He knows I would win. My powers are strong. Gamora can not compete with me if I render her unable to move. I would barely have to move for her to be dead. Besides, its not like either of us need robot parts to keep up. We are strong.

We do what is needed. Never have Gamora or I failed a mission. We do what is required, no more, no less. I can tell Gamora does not fully believe in the mission. I can see it in her eyes when we slaughter half a planet. I do not want that many to die either.

My first mission with Thanos was a disaster. We traveled to a planet, I can't even remember the name of now, and seperated the entire population in half. Then we watched as half of them were brutally killed. My job was to stop any who protest. I hated it. So many people died and I only stood by and watched. I held groups who protested in place so they could meet their fate.

I broke down crying when we entered the ship. Thanos simply held me and let me cry. When I had no more tears left to fall, he started talking. He told me he was proud I waited until we were alone cry. Thanos explained that we must look strong in front of enemies, but behind closed doors we can mourn the losses of those we kill. He told me that it was not that he wanted so many people to die, it was that they had to. According to him, the universe is dying and we need to stop it, we need to save it.

Thanos told me stories of his home planet and how overcrowded it was. The planet didn't have enough resources to support everyone. So, he proposed the cut the population in half. He was called crazy and then forced to watch the planet he loved so much die. By the time he was done, I had calmed down completely. His mission was no longer his alone. I shared it as well.

I know not everyone will support us. Our mission does sound crazy but it is for the good of all. The new universe is coming, it will be better for all who live in it. It will be better for Loki. I owe him that much.

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