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"Xandarians. What a bunch of losers. All of them in a big hurry to get from something stupid, to nothing at all. Pathetic," Rocket says before pointing at Xandarian man with short blond hair walking on the sidewalk. "Look at this guy! Can you believe they call us criminals, when he's assaulting us with that haircut?" He directs his attention at a small Xandarian child getting help whilst walking. "What is this thing? Look how it thinks it's so cool. It's not cool to get help! Walk by yourself, you little gargoyle." He points at an older Xandarian man chatting up a pretty young woman. "Look at Mr. Smiles over here. Where's your wife, old man? What a class-A prevert. Right, Groot? Groot?" Rocky looks over and sees Groot drinking from a water fountain. "Don't drink fountain water, you idiot. That's disgusting!" Groot shakes his head and pretends he wasn't drinking it. ": Yes, you did. I just saw you doing it. Why are you lying?" Rocket's tablet starts beeping warning him of a human sighting. "Whoop. Looks like we got one. Okay, humie, how bad does someone wanna find you?" His tablet shows Peter entering the Broker's shop. "Forty thousand units? Groot, we're gonna be rich!" Rocket exclaims.

Rockets looks over to Groot and finds him drinking from the water from fountain again, he sighs and shakes his head. He continues scrolling through his tablet before seeing a young girl on it. "Huh," he says. "Groot look at this," he holds up the tablet. "This girl over here is apparently she's wanted by a ton of people. The highest is..." Rocket scrolls a little more, "A million units! Groot we are going to hit jackpot! Looks like she is linked to a woman, who is wanted as well. And she's on the planet, too! Today is our lucky day, Groot."

"Groot!" He echoes. Rocket sets up a gun and waits for the girl to get in range. The wanted man exits the shop and the girl approaches him. They talk for a minute before a woman comes up.

"Groot, are you seeing this? They all know each other... I just need to get a clear shot that won't scare them away..." The woman kicks the thing in the man's hand and grabs it. She starts running. The man tries to chase her but the girl stops him with magic. "Holy shit." The man shoots at the girl and she releases him. She chases after him. "Ok, I've got the shot..."

"I am Groot!" Rocket fires at the girl. She cries out and falls to the ground, clutching her shoulder. She reaches out like she is tring to stop the man but he never stops.

"Let's go get her. The other two can't be far."

Meg's POV

My knees crash into the ground. I clutch my shoulder as I watch the man disapear. I reach out and try to stop him but my power fails me. I feel an electric current run through me, rendering me immobile. People on the sidewalks run away from where I now lay. A shadow is cast over my face, and I see an animal of some type. He restrains my hands before he speaks to someone else.

"Grab her and put her in a bag. The others must be close. The woman won't leave without her." I goran as I am picked up and put in a dark bag. I try and get out but the current is back and I yelp in pain. My body keeps slamming against something hard as we move fastly. I am then tossed and I believe it is the ground I hit hard. I hear yelling and grunting.

"Put him in the bag. Put him in the bag!" Someone yells. "No! Not her, him! Learn genders, man." It sounds like there is more fighting going on.

I hear Gamora say, "Fool. You should have learned," before the bag I am in is picked up. The electric current strikes again and I let out a load groan of pain. "It's ok, Meg. I'm going to get us out of here," she says while I believe she is running. My bag hits against what I assume is her back. Suddenly Gamora falls the the ground. I slam into it hard.

"Subject 89P13, drop your weapon," Someone says over a speaker system. "By the authority of the Nova Corps, you are under arrest for endangerment to life and the destruction of property." I feel my bag being picked up and loaded onto a ship.

3rd Person POV

"We have apprehended some of Ronan's compatriots," a man says into a comm. "Yes, we are running them through the system. Uh-huh. Yes. First one is Subject 89P13. Calls itself Rocket. The result of illegal genetic and cybernetic experiments on a lower life form. Then we got a thing called Groot. A humanoid plant that's been traveling recently as 89P13's personal house plant slash muscle. Yeah. I know. Then there is Peter Jason Quill, from Terra. Raised from youth by a band of mercenaries called the Ravagers, led by Yondu Udonta." He pauses before speaking again. "After that we got Gamora, surgically modified and trained as a living weapon. The adopted daughter of the Mad Titan, Thanos. Recently, Thanos lent her and her sisters Nebula and Meg out to Ronan, which leads us to believe that Thanos and Ronan are working together. Last one we got is Meg. Yeah, I know she has powers. That's why she isn't with the others. Yes, I know. Heavy surveillance at all times. First four are being transferred to Kyln. The kid is going to Una, max security."


In this story, there are different tiers of prisons. Order is lowest to highest- Low Security, Med. Security, High Security, and Max. Security

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