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"Pack a bag," Gamora tells me. "I'll let you know when we are leaving."

"Why aren't we leaving now?" I ask. If I am truly in so much danger, shouldn't we get out as soon as possible?

"Too suspicious, if we are going to make a clean escape, we'll need a head start. Ronan will have to think we are on a mission to give us enough time."

"Oh. Is Nebula coming with us?"

"I'm going to talk to her now. Wait in your room." With that, Gamora exits my room.

3rd Person POV

Gamora walks through the ship until she reached Nebula's room.

"Hello, sister," she says entering the room. Nebula looks up startled.

"You're back! Meg and I were worried about you!"

"We need to talk." Gamora checks the hall and closes the door quickly.

"What's up?"

"Meg and I are leaving. We-"


"We want you to come. It's not safe for Meg here anymore."

"We can't leave," Nebula says softly. "This is home."

"Thanos is going to kill Meg. I am not going to let that happen."

"Why would he kill her? He loves her," Nebula reasons.

"Exactly. I found the Soul stone. It has a price- Meg. I will not let that happen. We want you to join us, but I understand if you won't."



"Meg deserves to live." Gamora smiles.

"That was easier than with Meg."

Meg's POV

We finally got word on the orb. It is on the abandoned planet, Morag. The entire crew, Neb, Gamora and I were called into the cargo bay by Ronan.

"As I am sure you have heard, the orb has been located." A man steps forward, behind Ronan. "Korath located it, therefore he will be sent to retrieve it." That is not the plan, we were supposed to retrieve it.

"What about us?" Gamora asks. "We are here to help you. Yet, so far Meg has been confined to the ship and Nebula has been sent on dead ends. What are we going to be doing?"

"You will stand quietly and obey unless you wish for Thanos to know you are questioning me..." Gamora quiets down. We can't let Thanos know we are disobeying. Nothing good can come from that, especially if we are trying to escape.

Hours later, I stand in the throne room of the Kree ship. Ronan is behind a curtain, being dressed by servants. A Xandarian prisoner is being held in the center of the room by me. I force him to kneel silently as Ronan talks.

"They call me "terrorist," "radical," "zealot," because I obey the ancient laws of my people, the Kree, and punish those who do not. Because I do not forgive your people for taking the life of my father, and his father, and his father before him. A thousand years of war between us will not be forgotten!" Ronan drones on. He has been saying stuff like this for the past hour. Finally, Ronan grabs a large weapon that sort of resembles a hammer. He nods at me and I remove my power just enough to let the prisoner speak.

"You can't do this! Our government signed a peace treaty," the prisoner reasons.

"My government knows no shame. You Xandarians and your culture are a disease!" Oh, father. He's about to start ranting again.

"You will never rule Xanda-" I silense the angry prisoner. Ronan turns and glares at me.

"Let him speak, I want to hear his screams." He turns back towards the prisoner and begins swinging his weapon. "No. I will cure it!" Ronan tells him. The prisoner starts to scream as the weapon comes straight for his head, but is silenced when Ronan cuts his head off. "Renove the body," he tells me.I scowl and use my powers to send the body towards a waste bin, put there to hold dead bodies. Ronan sure kills many Xandarians. It's not like I can say much, though. I have killed far too many people to count.

"Ronan, Korath has returned," Nebula says entering the room, interrupting my thoughts.

"Wonderful, bring him in," Ronan says. He almost sounds giddy. His face falls when he sees Korath enter empty-handed.

"Master, he is a thief, an outlaw who calls himself Star-Lord. But we have discovered he has an agreement to retrieve the orb for an intermediary known as The Broker."

"I promised Thanos I would retrieve the orb for him. Only then will he destroy Xandar for me. Nebula, go to Xandar and get me the orb," Ronan barks out at the man. Gamora walks out from the shadows. I have no idea when she arrived.

"We can retrieve it for you," she says, gesturing to Neb and I.


"Why not, Ronan?" Gamora spits out. "Afraid we'll show how incompetent your crew is?" Ronan scowls.

"Of course not. But I am not sending a child out to do the work of adults! Nebula, you and Gamora, go to Xandar and get me the orb."

"Not without me!" I exclaim. "I have done nothing this entire time! I am going!"

"Stop acting like a child," Neb says harshly. "We have you covered, Ronan. We will get the orb back in no time."

"I am not sending all three of you! Meg, Gamora, you two will retrieve the orb. Nebula, you will stay and work with the crew. I am sick of the child's nagging. Go! Get me the orb!" The three of us quickly rush out. Neb turns to me, tears in her eyes.

"Be safe, sisters," Neb pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. She lets go and Gamora pulls her into a hug as well.

"You have to pretend you didn't know, Neb. If Thanos finds out-"

"I know. I know."

"Wait... are we seriously leaving now? We can't go without Nebula!" My sisters look at me sadly.

"You have to," Nebula says. "It's not safe for you, Meg. You're leaving, both of you. I love you, now go." She lightly pushes me towards Gamora and the two of us heads toward the small ship we will be taking. Neither of us look back.

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