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Ronan took us to his ship where he notified his crew of the deal. He sent Nebula and some of his crew (spies) out to try and find where the orb is located. Once they were gone, he took me to a room to talk.

"So, Megin, h-"

"It's Meg," I interrupt. "Megin was the daughter of Odin." Ronan nods absentmindedly.

"So, Meg," he corrects, "how have you been? I haven't seen you in awhile."

"I have been good," I respond. Why is he asking? He has never cared before.

"Good, good. And your sisters? Are they good as well?"

"Yes. We are all good." This is definitely odd.

"I saw Nebula. She seemed as good as she can be. I didn't see Gamora though. Where is she?"

"Gamora is out looking for the-" I stop suddenly. Ronan wants me to give up Thanos's plans.

"Looking for the what?" Ronan prompts.

"I don't think I am supposed to tell you."

"Oh, but you can. We are working together for Thanos. I can know whatever plans he has<' Ronan persuades.

"I really don't think I can..."

"Tell me!" Ronan yells. "Something big is happening. I've heard whispers. Whispers of plans, whispers of Thanos's mission. Where is Gamora? Why does Thanos want this orb? Tell me or else!" I flinch aay from his yelling and look towards the floor. In the back of my mind, I hear Thanos's words in my head.

"You have the power of the universe, do not be afraid, do not back down."

I look at Ronan angrily, sending a small amount of power to stop him from moving.

"You do not threaten me. You do not ask for more information than Thanos chooses to give. You do not yell at me." I say scowling at him. Ronan tries to answer but I easily prevent him from such. His words come out muffled and unintelligiible. "What's that? I'm afraid I can't understand you." Ronan tries again but the same result is reached. "I'd think twice before threatening me again." I tighten my powers around his neck. I twist his head to the side letting him know just how easy it would be for me to kill him. I release him and he falls to the floor gasping for breath. "The Other was much harder to contain," I taunt as I exit the room.

You don't mess with me. Not anymore.


All the spies and Nebula return a few days later. So far, they have found nothing about the orb. Ronan has avoided me since the first day. I don't mind. I'm glad he is scared of me. Its a feeling I enjoy.

Thanos has not checked in yet. I'm surprised. Normally when I'm on a mission, he checks in almost everyday. He must be busy. I tried contacting Gamora but she didn't answer. I expect she will return soon.

I think I am going to ask Ronan to let me go with the spies next time. Maybe I can help us find the orb. It's not like I am helping anything by being here waiting. I search the ship until I find the coward.

"Ronan," I say while entering the cockpit. He jumps in surprise but quickly hides it.

"What, child?" Is he really being disrespectful now? After the power I displayed? He really is an idiot.

"Watch it, Ronan," I say sending the tiniest amount of my power to pressure his neck.

"You won't do anything," he taunts. "Thanos loaned you to me. You can't hurt me."

"Try me." I wrap my power around his neck and pick him up allowing him to dangle and suffocate.

"Let... me... go..." He chokes out. I don't respond. He continues to struggle until Thanos appears before me through hologram. I turn to face him,

"Meg, let him go," he says harshly.


"Now!" Without even looking, I release Ronan and I hear him fall to his knees gasping for air. "You are on loan to him Meg! You can not and will not attack Ronan!" He says angrily.


"No excuses. You will respect and obey him. Leave us." I nod and leave the room.


Sorry if updates are slow, this story is taking longer than my others. I will update whenever I can.

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