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"How are you, daughter?" Thanos asks me. He stands in the doorway of my room. I sit on my bed pondering how to play this.

"Fine," I whisper. I'm not and he knows that.

"You don't have to be fine, Meg. Now tell me the truth. How are you?"

"It was so boring in there. There was nothing to do but think," I say softly.

"What did you think about?"

"Something Gamora said." I look up just in time to see Thanos's face cloud over. "What?" I ask.

"What did Gamora say?" He's suspicious. I need to play this right.

"Uh... She told me about her planet uh... Zen-something. She said they are extinct because of you."

"And how did you respond?" He's testing me.

"I said it must have been a fluke or something... She only nodded."

"So you were in on her betrayal?" Shoot! He knows! I mask my face.

"Betrayal? She betrayed us?" I must play dumb.

"Did Gamora ever try and get the orb away from you?"

"Not that I remember." Thanos nods, buying it. "Was... was Nebula in on it?"

"No. Your other sister has been loyal. Just as... you." I force a smile.

"So the orb, what happened to it?"

"We believe the thief who originally stole it still has it. We are unsure if he is working with Gamora. Ronan has been tasked with retrieving it."

"And if he fails?"

"He won't be alive long enough to regret it." I smile, this time for real. I would love to be the one to end him.

"Can I-"

"Yes. I know how you do enjoy it, daughter. If Ronan fails, you may have the killing blow."

"As much as I would like the orb.., I would also love Ronan's head detached from his body." Thanos chuckles.

"The orb comes first, daughter. Do not forget our mission." He starts to leave but pauses. "It's good to have you back, Meg. I missed you." However the last words fly over my head.

Our mission. Is it still our mission? Gamora said things that won't leave my mind. I tried. What if Thanos is really wrong? But what if Gamora is? How am I supposed to tell? Who is really right? Is Thanos dooming us all? Or is Gamora just trying to manipulate me?

Two years ago, my brother manipulated me. He tricked me into doing his bidding. I was too naive to realize it then. Now I am not. I need to figure out the truth. But how? How can I learn the truth? Who will know?

Everyone has their own truth. I need to find mine. I need to know if Gamora is lying. I need to know what really happened.

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