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Meg's POV

My hands are bound in front of me as I am led out of a ship onto a floating platform, it is a small metal thing. Three guards surround me with guns pointed. A Xandarian woman stands in front of me with a small gun-looking thing. She walks up and places it too my neck. She pushs the trigger and I feel something be injected in my neck. I try to reach up to touch the now sensitive spot but all the guns are raised to my head. I slowly lower my hands.

"Hello, Prisoner X3349. Welcome to Una," the woman says. I scowl. "I am Director Lacrox. I am in charge here. You will be placed in solitary confinement due to your immense power. Take her away." The metal platform floats us towards the entrance to the prison. I look around scared. This building looks like once you go in, you don't ever leave. "Don't bother trying to escape. I injected a tracker in your neck. It will also render you immobile if you stray to far from your designated locations." The platform stops at the entrance. Director Lacrox enters the building. A guard grabs me under my arm and starts to walk me forward after her. I drag my feet trying to avoid entering.

"Move," the guard barks at me. He grips my arm tightly. The other two guards raise their guns at me again. I continue to drag my feet. I will not enter willingly.

I raise the arm held by the guard slowly then quickly bring it down. I use whatever power I can muster and use my momentum to flip the first guard. He groans as he lays helplessly on the ground. The other two are too slow to action. I kick a gun out of one of their hands. The other fires at me but I dodge it. The one missing a gun grabs me by my shoulder, I cry out in pain. I stomp on his foot and elbow him in the gut. He falls on the other fallen guard. The only one who still has a gun hesitates to fire. My bound hands point at him and he falls of the edge of the platform screaming. Behind me alarms blare. A guard grabs one of my feet so I stomp on the throat of one of a guards and he stops moving. I use a small bit of power to send him and the other guard over the edge.

Multiple guards sprint out of the entrance to stop me. I use a small bit of power to direct the platform away from the entrance. Shots are fired at me but I dodge them. I am halfway to the landing pad when a sharp electric pain attacks me. It is worse than what I felt when I was captured. This is more direct. I fall the the ground as my body sakes from the pain. I lay on the ground struggling to stay conscious as a second platform heads for me. My vision blurs as it gets closer. The last of the electric current flows through me then stops as the second platform stops next to me. Around ten guards quickly exit onto my platform.

"It's a little girl?" One of them asks, startled.

"A little girl was the closest out of anyone to escaping!" Someone else exclaims. I blink as it is getting harder to stay awake.

"Grab her and get her in the prison. Who knows if she will attack us." I am picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. My head is foggy and my world goes dark.

I wake up in a dark cell. It is a circular room made of what I think is stone. There is one door that appears to be some type of metal. There is a small bed in the center of the room, on it sits a set of clothes. Other than that there is nothing. I glance down at my hands and see they are no longer bound. I walk around to see if there is anyway out other than the door. There isn't. I don't even have a window. I walk over to the bed and pick up the clothes. They are bland, gray, and thin.

"Change into the clothes provided," a robotic voice tells me. I do as I am told. "Put the clothes in front of the door then sit on the bed." I obey once again. A guard opens the door and takes the clothes than exits. I lay on my bed, already bored.

How am I going to spend the rest of my life in this room? I hope someone comes for me. 

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