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Gamora's POV

We were taken to The Kyln, a high security prison. Meg was not taken with us. I have inquired about her to multiple guards but everyone is very tight lipped. I am guessing she was sent to a maximum security prison due to her powers but Nova Corp has multplie each nearly impossible to break into. Peter Quill and I sit in the cafeteria. Groot and Rocket are elsewhere.

"So how are we getting out?" Peter Quill asks us. I scowl.

"We are not doing anything. I will be escaping and finding my sister."

"How are you sisters? I mean she's... she's not green..." Peter says trailing off when he sees the murderous look on my face.

"Thanos adopted the both of us. Meg is asgardian. She was brought to us two years ago after... an incident."


"Meg has two brothers from before... One of them recruited her to... help him. He made a deal with my father, Meg was dragged into it. When they were unable to hold up their side of the deal, Meg was brought to join us. She has been with us, happily ever since."

"Your father, Thanos, is a bad guy. Why would someone willingly make a deal with him?" Peter Quill is insufferable. It is a well known fact that my father is a terrible man.

"Her brother was angered he was passed over the thrown for their oldest brother. He wanted to take revenge by conquering the planet their brother loved most. I don't know what exactly took place, Meg has never spoken of it, but all I know is they failed and Meg was taken as a consequence." I pause, thinking for a mome. "She's happy though. It was a little adjustment but she quickly became my father's favorite." Peter looks shocked at that.

"Does that mean she believes in his mission?" He asks slowly.

"Meg is young and easily manipulated. She is learning," I snap at him.

"Sorry, sorry," he mutters. "So how are we getting out of here?" I sigh. Clearly he understands nothing.

3rd Person POV

"You lost them?" Thanos asks with quiet anger. Nebula flinches but the other two do not move a muscle.

"Not necessarily. We only know that they have both been captured. They may yet recover the orb," Ronan reasons.

"No!" The Other yells. "Our sources within the Kyln say Gamora has her own plans for the orb!"

"And Meg?" Thanos asks. His face one of pure anger now.

"Our sources have been unable to locate her. I believe she is being held in a maximum security prison however there are a few where she could be."

"Did she betray me as well?" Thanos snaps.

"Meg has always been loyal to the cause. I doubt she betrayed you, father. She wants our mission to succeed almost as much as you do," Nebula says quickly, trying to get blame away from her younger sister. Thanos seems pleased by the answer.

"It does not matter whether the child is loyal or not!" Ronan rages. "With all due respect, Thanos, your daughter made this mess, and yet you summon me!"

"Do not use that tone with me!" Thanos yells. They all flinch this time. But Ronan does not stop.

"Gamora begged to let her and Meg leave to find the orb! Then the two of them lost a fight to some primitive animal! To make matters worse, they were both apprehended by Nova Corps!"

"You will not disrespect my daughters that way!"

"Our sources say Gamora was going to betray us the whole time," the Other says quietly.

"How long have you known?" Thanos asks, his voice deadly. The Other shakes his head.

"Not long."

"How long?"

"Since the orb was discovered on Morag... You wouldn't have listened... She was your favorite... I needed proof." Thanos says nothing for a moment before he nods at Ronan.

"My favorite is Meg," is all he says. Ronan steps forward and snaps his neck with a Concussive Blast. Nebula looks unhappy with Thanos' confession and unsuprised at the Other's death. "Find her." Thanos exits

Megin's POV

Time passes slowly in my cell. I have nothing to do all day but practice my powers. But without anything to practice on, there is little I can do. I levitated my bed once but the intercom quickly told me to drop it or I would be incapacitated. I obeyed having no other choice.

Food is delivered often enough that I am not terribly desperate for food but long enough for me to wait impatiently for my next meal. I have no way to tell time besides how often my meals come. I have currently had 47 meals. I would guess that I have been imprisoned for a little over two weeks but I really don't know.

I sigh as I fall back onto my small bed. Silence. That is all I hear. I have not prayed to Odin in two years yet I do now, every single day. What else is there to do?

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