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We are still waiting to hear from Ronan. With each day that passes my chances of getting to kill him go up. Perhaps today is the day to ask Thanos about Gamora's planet. I walk through the halls searching for him. After searching all the rooms he is most often in, I cave and send my power out to find him. A minute later I feel the tug. I follow it and end up in Gamora's room. I slowly walk through the doorway and see Thanos sitting on her bed. A quick glance around shows a layer of dust coats the room. My room was dusted but it seems Gamora's was left alone.

"I miss her too," I whisper. Thanos does not respond, he doesn't even move. "I... I wish I knew what her plan was, just so I could convince her not to do it. I love Neb, but... I've always been closest with Gamora. I wish I could have... stopped her."

"It is not your fault, daughter. Gamora made her choice. I am glad you did not join her."

"I can't get something she said out of my head," I whisper, unsure if now if the best time for this conversation.

"What did she say?"

"It was about her planet, Zen-something."

"Zen-Whoberi," Thanos supplies. He still has not looked at me.

"She said she was the last of them. That... That they went extinct because of you and the... process to save them."

"It was-"

"A fluke," I scowl but quickly hide it. "She said you would say that." THanos finally turns to look at me.

"It's true though. Many planets have thrived since our visits. Take Gingha for example." Which planet was Gingha? Thanos sees my confusion. "The last planet you and Gamora helped," he supply.


"The Ginghans are thriving now. Their economy has rebounded and is stronger than ever."

"How do you know?"

"You don't think I just help the planets then abandon them, do you." When I don't respond he sighs. "Daughter, I send people to help them rebuild, to show them how to thrive. I do not abandon them. I thought you would think better of me than that."

"Sorry, father." He only nods.

"Go to the training room and practice with your powers. It has been sometime since you have done so," he orders. I leave immediately. As I walk out the door, I hear a small sniffle. I turn to see his head in his hands just as the door closes. Never have I seen Thanos emotional before however we must always appear strong but behind closed doors we may show our emotions. I guess he meant that literally.

Gamora's POV

"Heads up! We're inbound," Rocket informs us as we approach Knowhere.

"What is it?" Drax asks. I roll my eyes.

"It's called Knowhere. The severed head of an ancient celestial being. Be wary of rodents. There are no regulations whatsoever here. Hundreds of years ago, the Tivan Group sent workers in to mine the organic matter within the skull. The bone, brain tissue, spinal fluid. All rare resources, highly valued in black markets across the galaxy. It's dangerous and illegal work, suitable only for outlaws," I tell him.

"Well, I come from a planet of outlaws. Billy the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde and John Stamos," Peter says. I can't tell if he is joking or not.

"It sounds like a place which I would like to visit," Drax says solemnly.

"Yeah, you should." A group of kids come up to us.

"Excuse me," one says. I ignore him.

"Watch your wallets," Peter says, glancing at me. Once again I roll my eyes. This is not my first time here. I am no idiot. These kids are trying to steal from us. You have to be an idiot to not know that.

"Can you spare any units?" Another asks.

"Get out of here," Rocket snarls. Groot stops, however, and grows a flower from his body. He plucks it and hands it to a little girl. She smiles and I pause. Her smile is so similar to Meg's. Even if circumstance rarely allows my sister to smile. Meg's smile is beautiful and can light up a room. If only she was her now. I will rescue my sister. That's a promise. I am pulled from my thoughts when Rocket speaks again. He points at a bar across the street. "Your buyer's in there?" I lead everyone to the bouncer outside before responding.

"We are to wait here for his representative." I whisper a few words in the bouncer's ear and we are allowed in. The others look around in awe.

"This is no respectable establishment. What do you expect us to do while we wait?" Drax says. Yet, it only takes him, Rocket, and Groot ten minutes to start drinking and gambling. I sigh. Maybe I would be able to enjoy this more if I didn't have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I feel something is wrong with Meg. But she's still in jail, safe.

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