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Gamora's POV

It took sometime, but we were finally able to escape Kyln. Rocket was able to hijack the command center of the prison to fly us out. Peter however, delayed us for some silly toy. Luckily we were still able to escape. Now I will find Meg. I walk to the control seat and crouch down to Rocket's level.

"Take me to Fija," I order him. He looks up and scowls at me.

"That's a death sentence," Rocket scoffs. Peter takes the orb out of his bag and tosses it between his hands.

"Don't do that," I tell him harshly before turning back to Rocket. "I need to find my sister. She's in a max. security prison. I'm going to get her."

"Hell no!" Peter yells. "Not until you give me your buyers coordinates!"

"Screw the money! I'm going for my sister!"

"Hold up, I did not break you two out to not even give a cut!"

"I am Groot!"

"You will get a cut after I get my sister. Then I'll give you the coordinates."

"Fija is a death sentence. You don't even know if your sister is there! I am not dying before I get my money!"


"Sorry. Our money!" Rocket corrects.

"I need to get Meg! She's all alone."

"Your sister can wait a day. Then we will all help you get her back," Peter reasons.

"I never-" Rocket starts.

"Do you want the money or not?" Rocket scowls and quiets down. "First we go to the coordinates then we go and ge your sister. Otherwise you walk into Fija alone and we don't get our money." It sounds like a good deal. I will need help to get Meg out. It will be hard but with them it might be possible. Meg will be there when I get back. Then the two of us can escape and hide out. Thanos will never find us. Meg will be safe. We both will. Maybe someday we will be able to get Nebula out. I can see it all now. Our life will be as perfect as they can be.

Meg's POV

Destruction. Ruin.

All I see is New York.

Except I am not there.

But I am also not dreaming.

I am in a prison. But the walls I thought to be nearly indestructible have crumbled. Fire spreads quickly and I hear screaming. A figure enters my cell, all I can see of him is a shadow but I know who it is.


He has come for me. Maybe someday in the future I will have to leave to save myself, but for now, he will save me. He loves me.

"Daughter, come. Lets get you out of this place. You belong by my side, saving the universe. Come and we will leave." I don't want to die. There must be another way. Perhaps Gamora is mistaken. Perhaps her planet was a fluke.

Thanos came for me when Gamora didn't. No high security prison could hold her. Not even a maximum security like this one could. She would be out in a matter of hours.

So for now my loyalty belongs to Thanos. For now I will play the part of the good daughter. I will see if he truly plans to kill me even if he does not know it yet. For now I will wait. I will wait and see. For now my loyalty belongs to Thanos. However, anything can change in the future. 

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