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I should have looked back. I should have stayed. I should have at least taken Nebula with us. I don't think I will ever see her and be on the same side as her again. I may have only known her for a little over 2 years but she is my sister. I should have stayed with her. I miss her.

"So we are headed to Xandar to get the orb then we go into hiding, wait for him out." I nod. We are currently in a small ship. I already regret what we are going to do. Thanos is trying to save the universe, we are going to stop him. I can't do that.

"Gamora, this is wrong. We need to get the orb and bring it back. It's for the good of the universe!"

"No! Not gonna happen! We can not let Thanos kill you!"

"But, we are going to save the universe! Maybe we were too hasty. We-"

"Do you want to die, Meg?"

"No... but for the good of the universe, it might-"

"You are not dying, Meg. The universe will be perfectly fine without your sacrifice."

"Will it, though? The universe is dying. You've seen what I have. We help planets survive by killing half the population."

"I've seen more than you." Gamora pauses. "My planet, Zen-Whoberi, was doing perfectly fine before Thanos arrived. He killed half the population. The Zehobereis are extinct now. I am the last one. I should have made a stand years ago, but I am now. Thanos can not win, Meg or all life will be gone." My mouth falls open. If all we were doing was causing extinction, why were we continuing?

"Does Thanos know?" My voice is barely above a whisper. If he does, everything he ever told me would have been a lie. The last two years would have been a lie.

"He said it was a fluke, an aberration. The Zehobereis are not the only ones to die. Please, Meg, please live! Don't sacrifice yourself for the death of the universe. Help me, Meg. Help me stop our father." I take a deep breath, Everything I thought I knew was a lie. Again. History certainly repeats itself. But this time, I will fix my mistakes.

"Where will we find the orb?"

3rd Person POV

"Mr. Quill," the Broker says with a nod of his head as Peter Quill enters his shop in Xandar.

"Broker. The orb," Peter sets the orb on the counter. "As commissioned."

"Where's Yondu?" The Broker asks.

"Wanted to be here, sends his love. And told me to tell you, that you got the best eyebrows in the business." The Broker picks up the orb and begins to examine it. "What is it?"

"It's my policy never to discuss my clients, or their needs."

"Yeah, well, I almost died getting it for you."

"An occupational hazard, I'm sure, in your line of work," The Broker says dissmisively.

"Some machine-headed freak, working for a dude named Ronan," Peter says with a small laugh. The Broker looks up alarmed and nearly drops the orb.

"Ronan? I'm sorry, Mr. Quill. I truly am. But I want no part of this transaction if Ronan is involved." The Broker shoves the orb into Peter's hands and rushes him out the door.

"Woh! Woh, woh, woh! Who's Ronan?" Peter says, refusing to walk any farther.

"A Kree fanatic, outraged by the peace treaty, who will not rest until Xandarian culture, my culture, is wiped from existence!" The Broker pushes Peter closer to the door.

"Woh. Come on!" Peter exclaims.

"He's someone whose bad side I'd rather not be on," The Broker explains quickly, continuing to force Peter to the door.

"What? What about my bad side?"

"Farewell, Mr. Quill." The Broker slams the door in Peter's face.

"Hey, we had a deal, bro!" He slams his fist on the door, trying to get in. Behind him a young girl walks up and tugs on his sleeve. "What?" He snaps at her.

"Excuse me, sir, can you help me?"

"Look, kid, I just lost a big deal, I don't have time to deal with a child," he says angrily.

"Please..." The girl says tugging on his sleeve once more. Peter tries to walk away but a woman walks over.

"Everything alright here?" She asks suspiciously. Peter gives her a charming smile,

"Of course. I'm just helping this young girl with something."

"Aww! That's so sweet! What do you need help with?" The woman asks, bending down to face the girl.

"Stopping father," the girl responds with a smirk. The woman kicks the orb out of Peter's hand, grabs it and starts running.

"Are you fuc-" He tries to chase after the woman but finds he is unable to move his feet. He turns his head and sees the girl holding a hand towards him. "Kid, come on! I need to get the orb back! Why?" Suddenly he realizes. "You're with her, aren't you?" He lifts a hand slightly towards his blaster. The girl doesn't notice. "Who's your father, kid?" Peter asks, trying to distract the girl as he continues to discretely reach for his blaster.

"A terrible man," the girl responds with a scowl. Peter quickly grabs the gun and shoots at the girl. She blocks it, but loses her concentration on Peter. Peter fires a few more times at the girl before running away and after the woman. The girl runs after him and reaches out to stop him again. As Peter is being slowed to a stop, the girl cries out in pain and releases him.

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