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It was highly inefficient for us to go one planet at a time, so now we split up, however it is still too inefficient. There was no way we can save the entire universe at that rate so, Thanos said he was looking for an alternative. I'm still waiting to hear about solutions.

Today Gamora and I are visiting some random planet. We already split the citizens in half. Most tried to fight but they were killed instantly by me. The rest stopped fighting and hoped they were a part of the survivors. Those survivors will thrive. When we returned to the ship, Thanos called us into the throne room.

"Hello, girls," he says as Gamora and I enter. Nebula already stands in front of him. THanos looks rather pleased, I wonder if he found an alternative solution.

"Did you solve it?" I ask excitedly. Thanos's smile grows.

"Indeed," he says.

"Solve what?" Gamora asks, confused.

"Everything," I breathe out. "He solved everything..." Gamora's face shifts into one of understanding.


"Oh? That's all you have to say! The universe will be saved! And you say oh!" Nebula rolls her eyes.

"Girls, calm down. We all react in different ways. I am sure Gamora is just as excited about this as you are, Meg, now that she has processed it," Thanos says sternly. Gamora gives a small nod. I can tell she is upset by this but I say nothing.

"So what is the solution?" Nebula asks.

"Have you ever heard of the Infinity Stones, girls?" Gamora's jaw drops. She starts to shake her head.

"No. No. That's not possible," She mutters frantically. I glare at her and she stops.

"They are real?" I ask. "I thought they were just stories."

"Now, Meg, you should most definitely know what they are. I attempted to collect one a few years back. Having just one makes someone incredibly powerful, having all would allow our mission to be complete with a single snap of my fingers."

"Why would I know?" I ask confused.

"Because your failure to collect it is why you are here," Gamora says softly. I blink twice, hardly able to process this revelation. The Tesseract was an Infinity Stone?

"The Tesseract?" I ask looking up at Thanos.

"Indeed. But not just the Tesseract. You were in contact with another stone, Meg." I think about that one. What else had an abnormal amount of unexplained power?

"L-" I pause. I'm not supposed to mention my brother. "The scepter," I whisper.

"Very good, Meg. You were in contact with two Infinity Stones in New York. They were the Space stone and the Mind stone. We need to collect them and the four other stones. This will be our number one priority." We all nod. "Gamora, you will find the Soul stone. Nebula and Meg, you will work for Ronan in his search for the Power stone."

"Why am I with Ronan or Neb? I can be on my own!"

"I am sure you are capable of being alone, however you are quite young. I can't send you alone." I scowl. "Once Gamora has finished, she will join you with Ronan. You are all dismissed."


I pack my bag and wait for Ronan in the throne room with Nebula and Thanos. It does not take long for Ronan to enter the throne room. He looks annoyed to be there.

"What is it?" He asks annoyed.

"You once said you wished for Xandar to be destroyed completely. Do you still wish for that?" Ronan looks surprised. I'm surprised too. We don't destroy entire races, we kill half so the other half may thrive.

"Of course. They took the life of my father, and his father, and his father before him!"

"I have a deal for you... Are you interested?" Never take a deal with Thanos. If Loki and I hadn't, I would not be here now. Ronan's eyes dart towards me and Neb.

"You could say that."

"There is an orb. I want you to retrieve it. If you do so, I will destroy Xandar." I glance at Thanos. There must be a stone in the orb. Thanos slightly shakes his head at me telling me not to say a word about it. Ronan does not need to know.

"And your daughters, why are they here? The deal could be made without them," Ronan asks skeptically.

"They are to work for you. Let's say they are on... loan to you." Ronan smirks at us.

"This sounds too good to be true," Ronan says looking straight at me, trying to see if Thanos is telling the truth.

"Thanos does not break his deals. The question will be if you do," I tell him, meeting his gaze. Ronan looks back towards Thanos.


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