Chapter 1

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The landscape flashed by as you looked out the window. The sounds of the train humming in the back of your mind. "A vacation" they had said. You didn't think that you needed a vacation, but when the Madam decided all of you should go, you could only nod and smile. And there you were: on a train going to visit the Madams friends.

You turned your head and looked at her. She was calm, flipping through magazines and sometimes humming. Her blonde hair was as usual styled with the most expensive accessories and her green dress was of course of the latest fashion. You looked quite different. A long, yellow skirt, a matching yellow jacket, a white blouse and a pair of black shoes with a short heel. You usually wore earrings and your favorite necklace, but your mother had taught you that during traveling you should put your jewelry somewhere safe.
Somewhere safe was your bag. It was quite big but you could still carry it with the help of the handle on the side.

You looked at the other two adults in the coupé. A small woman with black hair and glasses, the Madams helper. The man, bald with a small black mustache and glasses. The Madams pianist.

You thought of how you had come to work with them. When you were younger you had been raised in a wealthy family. You had friends. But you wanted to experience adventures like those in the books you read. So, a year ago you left home to learn how the show business works. It wasn't the adventure you wanted, but it was better than nothing. You got an offer from the Madam because she took a liking to you during one of your parents parties. Your parents thought you were too young - leaving home at 16 - but you insisted. Now, you were 17 and had a wild spirit.


The train came to a stop. You stood up, Wagner -the pianist- helped you take your bag down.

"Thank you" you said picking up the bag. Wagner helped carry the other ladies bags as you made your way through the train.

You exited the train. The Madam had made her way out first and Irma the helper came second. You took a step of the train ladder and your shoe made a clicking sound as it hit the stone. You inhaled the countryside air and birds chirped as they flew between trees. The beautiful noice of the birds was blocked out by the Madams hysterical voice. She demanded that Wagner should get a car.

"They... Eh... said..." he tried.

But she wouldn't listen. As her high pitched voice was ripping through the air she was interrupted by a car honking.

"Good" was all she said before making her way to the car.

The driver was an older man. He was bald at the top of his head and had a big nose. He wore gloves and was quiet during the ride. Wagner sat in the front seat and you three women sat in the back. The large, blond woman was excitedly telling the driver where she had preformed, before whom she had preformed and what reviews had said of her.

The car pulled up in front of a pair of gates connected to a beige brick wall.
The driver went out of the car and unlocked the gates. You went through them and your eyes fixed themselves on a
beige castle-like mansion.

The car stopped by the main entrance. The driver and Wagner exited the car. The driver carried the luggage through the door and Wagner opened The Madams car door. You opened your own door (that was something your mother would have found truly non ladylike and scolded you for if she had been there) and sighed with relief. You had finally arrived.

You and your company entered the castle. You walked into a hall with stone floor and a marbled staircase. There were old paintings hanging on the walls and armor stands with old knight-like armors scattered across the hallways.

The driver came through a door to the left and he had somehow changed clothes. Aah, he's a servant, you thought. He grabbed your bags and made his way up the staircase.

Suddenly a flash of white came down the stairs. The flash ran around the four of you only to stop and greet the other three. It was a dog. A small white wire fox terrier strutted around the mansion. You thought that maybe it belonged to the owner of this incredible building. The white dog walked towards you and you squatted down to be able to pet him.

There was a noice of shoes coming from the stairs. You lifted your head to see. A man with a large, black beard and a captain's hat, and a young man with a blue sweater was walking down the stairs.

"Tintin! Captain Paddock!" the Madam exclaimed. She greeted them at the end of the stairs and pulled the captain - who was clearly uncomfortable - into a big hug.

"Have you missed me Captain Maggot?" She said as she let him go.

The young man who must be Tintin chuckled. He greeted the other two as old friends and came up to you.

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