Chapter 12

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There was nothing in the world that could be compared to the soft sheets that brushed against your skin as you moved. Birds chirped outside and the sun painted a pattern on the stone floor.
You sighed. Finally, a good night's rest.


The young girl sat at the table in the dining room as Tintin emerged. You were flicking through the local paper and hummed to yourself.

"You're in a good mood!" he said and smiled.

You peeked at him over the paper "A letter arrived this morning."

The reporter raised his eyebrows. "Oh?"

"Chris has got it -up in his father's study" -you folded the magazine up- "It's signed by Monica and Elton.

Tintin almost choked on his coffee. How could it be possible?

You sighed happily and stood up. "Apparently they have this secret that they didn't want to share just yet... but they're fine!"

"Is that so..?" the redhead replied still slightly confused.

"Yes! Chris even said that Monica wrote that I could come visit! Wherever they are!"

You giggled excitedly and even though Tintin was still a bit suspicious, the sound of your joy melted his heart. (However the reporter would never admit it.)

"Anyways, I think I'm going for a walk!"

You disappeared before Tintin could ask anything else.

"Secret..." the reporter thought aloud "Wherever they are..."


"Let me buy those for you."

You had been admiring the flowers overflowing a little stand in the center of the village - when a voice grabbed your attention.

"Oh... it's okay you don't have to" you politely declined.

"No, please. I want to."

"Oh, no. Please don't."

Chris had already paid the man by the stand and handed the bouquet over to you with a grin. You couldn't help but smile a little, even though you knew his intentions weren't entirely pure, he could be quite sweet.

"You didn't have to do that you know" you said as you started walking away, flowers in hand.

"Hey!" Chris grabbed your hand to stop you. "We do have something to celebrate, don't we?"

His eyes were glowing. 

"You're right" you admitted reluctantly and chuckled.

He smiled. "So, eight tonight?"

"Eight tonight?" you questioned, slightly surprised.

"Well, we do need to celebrate that they've been found and I'd also like to talk to you. Like a real talk this time."

"Chris, if you think that you're going to convince me that this" -you gestured between the two of you- "is going to happen again. That this is going to work. You better put your energy elsewhere."

"Just be ready by eight."

You could tell the young man got slightly irritated, but before you could say anything else he turned around and walked away. You watched as his figure disappeared into the village crowd.

Christopher had always been a character. The chocolate haired by had always known what he wanted and who he wanted. 

How were you supposed to handle Chris? You had missed him, that's for sure, but as a friend. You had been friends for such a long time before getting together. Honestly: you wanted his company sometimes - the company of the person he was before you became a couple. Or maybe you missed the person he was when you had just gotten together. Even though it might have been the honey moon phase he was still kind and gentle. He had not frozen into the cold and calculating person he is now. He had been boyish and silly - none of that shone through now. Or... the way he got easily jealous was pretty childish.

So you had to be ready by eight then.


A feeling he had never quite felt before swept over Tintin when you stepped out into the hallway. He didn't want you to go with Christopher. He couldn't really comprehend why though.

He is up to no good, he thought to himself as he admired the sun dress you wore. 

You turned to him and gave him a slight smile. The reporter's cheeks grew hotter.

"Have a nice evening" he said politely.

"Thanks" you whispered and went down the stairs.

The young red head went into his room feeling defeated. He laid down on his bed and listened to the sounds of the house. He could hear the Captain listening to the radio and the muffled sound of Christopher voice talking to you. For the first time Tintin was angry because of something private and personal. Of course he could get upset at the injustice and hatred in the world - but this was different. He couldn't tell you why, but he didn't want a pretty and intelligent girl like you to be with someone like Chris.

Or maybe there was another reason...

He heard the door close and peaked out the window. He saw the two of you leaving through the gate. 

The red headed reporter sat up and dashed to the study to find the letter.

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