Chapter 8

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He was ashamed. He didn't mean to upset you,  he was just scared of loosing you and if he ever wanted to win you back he would have to apologize - even to the red-headed boy who was now his enemy. 

The young ginger boy hadn't even introduced himself before he stole you away from him, and Christopher was not happy about that. He felt like it was his duty to protect you, even though you didn't want his protection. He would fight to get you back.

He knocked softly. The door squeaked a little and the redheaded boy appeared. The young man looked at Chris with an unreadable face. His blue eyes scanned Christopher up and down.

"Christoper Addley," the brown haired boy took Tintins hand and shook it "I'm sorry for the... argument earlier. Can I?" He gestured to the room and Tintin let him in.

You were still sitting on the bed. Chris sat down next to you, took your hands in his. You were so chocked that you couldn't resist. You had never seen this side of him. So calm and mature.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. You know that I care about you a lot. I acted like a child."

You glanced over at Tintin who nodded towards a notebook. You looked back at Christopher and his dark eyes met yours, in them you saw hope and sadness at the same time.

"You've heard that Monica and Elton has disappeared right?"

Chris nodded silently without breaking eye contact and squeezed your hands gently.

"We are trying to figure out what happened, and we want to ask you some questions. Please Chris."

"Yes, of course!" Christopher instantly replied.

"Okay, Chris, did Monica or Elton talk about leaving to you?" you could hear that the young reporter were used to asking questions - and getting answers.

"It's Christopher to you" the brown haired boy said calmly with a hint of aggression. 

"Sorry, Christopher" the young journalist was visibly annoyed by Christopher's sudden change of tone.

Chris turned to you "You know how Elton was always talking about wanting to see the world. That's probably what they are doing."

"You know that Monica wasn't that way, she always told her mom everything. She would've told her" you remembered. 

"That's true..." Chris suddenly turned pale, "What if something has happened? He's my best friend and I abandoned him. I abandoned him Y/n!"

The brown haired young man in front of you looked in your eyes, for comfort and love. You put a hand on his shoulder and the young man broke down. He fell into your arms, put his own around your waist and buried his face in the fabric of your shirt.

You knew that you had to be gentle with him even though it was something that made you slightly uncomfortable. You realized that what he felt was the exact same feelings you felt about Monica. She was there through thick and thin, but you left her - maybe when she needed you the most. Tears started flowing from your eyes again and your body shook as you tried to take deep breaths. Christopher could feel your body moving and looked up at you with a worried face. He pulled you into his arms and you let him, he understood what you felt and it helped to have someone who shared the same feelings. 

"Y/n... Are you okay?" you had completely forgot about the journalists presence, it was actually his cabin that you were sitting in.

"I'm scared," you said and made yourself free from Christopher's arms "I wish I knew what happened."

"We are going to find them. I promise" Tintin said as you stood up.

You nodded and tried to pull yourself together.

"Okay, Chris," you took a deep breath to steady your voice "have you experienced anything suspicious? Like weird phone calls or letters?"

"No" he shook his head.

"Have you heard anything about the company?" Tintin asked.

The brown haired boy gave him a annoyed look "No! I would have told you if I knew anything!"

"Chris come with me, I think Tintin wants some space" you said and gave the reporter a apologetic smile.

Chris stood up and you left.


"Think about it. It will be fun."

"Chris it's not just me. We have Tintin, Captain and Milou. I'm not going to leave them, either they go with us or you'll go by yourself."

"I'll have to ask my parents, please just think about it."

"Goodnight Chris" you said, shook your head and smiled.

"Goodnight..." he lingered a little like he wanted to ask you something but turned around and walked away through the dim hall.

You closed the door behind him and got ready for bed. You turned the light of and laid down to sleep.

It had been a long day, you're heart was heavy with all of the stirred up memories. Was it a good idea to go back to Chris? It would definitely be comforting but was that what you wanted? No. Freedom is never free, it's something you have to work for. You wanted someone who could let you be free and comfort you at the same time - maybe you had already met him.

The boat moved calmly as you fell asleep. You were scared for your safety - and Christopher's of course - but Tintin actually made you feel safe. He understood your thirst for adventure and saw your dreams. He saw you. 

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