Chapter 4

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The reporter was frustrated, he usually had a plan but this time he didn't. He was laying in his bed and the dog had curled up by his feet.  The young man couldn't force himself to sleep. He worried about you. You had told him that you would be fine and that you'd come up with a plan tomorrow.

But the young redhead couldn't relax. He got an idea. If he could just get you to tell him something, anything, that could help him start forming a plan in his head, he would be able sleep. He made up his mind.


Somebody knocked on your door. It was late, maybe 1 in the morning. You hadn't been able fall asleep either. You stood up and the stone floor felt cold against your bare feet. Your wide legged pajamas swept the floor as you walked up to the door.

On the other side of the wooden door you found the young journalist. He blushed when you tilted your head to the side and gave him a confused smile. Milou wandered right through your half open door.

"Come in" you said softly. He walked past you and you closed the door behind him.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't sleep" he said.

"Don't worry, I couldn't sleep either."

You walked past him and sat down on the bed. He looked confused on what he did in a girls room past midnight. But quickly pushed down the thoughts and focused on what he had actually come to ask.

"Is there something we could do or anything you want me to know about the case?"

"We could visit her parents, and ask them a few questions. But they live in Sweden..."

You looked at him, the red hair shone in the soft light that the lamp gave out. His blue eyes were fixed on your face and told you with a look that he wanted you to keep going.

"By asking them we would know if they'd received a note asking for money... or if it's what I fear. I also think it's for the better if Madam Castafiore keeps on traveling without me. If someone is looking for me they must have heard that I was accompanying her."

Tintin nodded and lowered his eyebrows into a serious expression. Milou happily sniffed around.

"We could take a train to Sweden tomorrow evening. I'll let the Senora know."

"Thank you, Tintin. Thank you for everything!" You walked over to him and before you could stop yourself you had put your arms around him and pulled him in for a hug.


You woke up feeling fuzzy inside. Tintin hade made a promise that you would go to Sweden and that he, Captain and Milou would come with you. You hadn't been there in a few years and the memories of Stockholm's beautiful streets came flooding back. Memories of you and Monica came back, and a stinging feeling of guilt shot through your body. She hated that you left her, but respected your choice. The thought of not seeing her again made your heart heavy.

You got out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a quick bath. The feeling of hot water melted the guilt inside your stomach and you could move on with the rest of the day.
You put on a blue knee length dress and stepped into your shoes. The necklace was hanging around you neck and you brushed through your hair.

You left your room and wandered through a corridor. You took a turn and came to the large staircase, you could hear the Madam laugh and talk about something. You made your way down the marbled stairs and through the doors to the large dining hall. Everyone was already there eating breakfast.

You sat down next to Irma. Nestor came quickly from another room with a plate of breakfast and you said a quiet "Thank you, Nestor."
You ate in silence while the others talked about the weather and the latest news. The feeling of guilt came back and made your world grey. On top of that, you felt weird about Tintin. How you could trust him and how he gave you a dash of that feeling that Chris used to give you.

Chris. You hadn't seen him since you the day you told him you were leaving. He didn't even take the time to say goodbye. You knew that you had hurt him, but you loved yourself more than to just give it all up.

All of a sudden it got quiet. You looked over at the other people in the room. Madam Castafiore and Irma stood up and left. Wagner came hurrying after them. As soon as they shut the door Captain shot up from his chair and started dancing.


You chuckled at the sight of the old sailor.

"I told them about our plan" Tintin said. You looked him in his beautiful eyes and a little butterfly took flight in your stomach. "We will leave by train at five."

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